How ''magic'' would fit

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by DevilForce, Jun 15, 2012.


Is this a good idea?

  1. Yes! i like it!

  2. No, i dont like it.

  3. I dont care.

  1. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's your loss
  2. The king of debates, right here.
  3. Dexkill

    Dexkill Aquatic Astronaut

    Any race should have own magic like: florians "forest magic" cast a living tree, make fruits on tree or robot race cast a robot swarm, gunturret, electrical storm ect. but as magic you can call meteor and blizzard from the sky, charm living creatures to show you the right way or help to fight, make darkness or light in a place, turn back time around a place, heal wounds, or just make a "race special block" like florians wood, humans concrete, robots nano ect. use your imagination. :) Simple weapons can't give back the magic function in any game if it well maked no matter if rocket laucher or just a pistol.
  4. Salrith

    Salrith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Weeell... Agreed, with Dairuga. It does not need to be archaic to be arcane. Finding lost caches of an ancient civilization's power would be very fun! Like finding Atlantis.
    The developers said no to reverse engineering, as it might let people leapfrog progression. Lost caches and stuff might risk breaking it, too, if handled improperly... However, not entirely so!

    If the 'magic' was tied roughly to the tech advancement, then it would not be as big a problem! For example, say lost ruins have special traps in them. These traps can only be gotten through at certain tech levels - one might need a shield that is only available after time <x>! Then it runs parallel, but separate.
    But that might defeat the purpose of it being special...
  5. Dairuga

    Dairuga Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, I agree that at times, huge chunks of text at once can be detrimental to one's will of reading it. I try to shorten my posts down, but alas, it seems it is hard to break a habit once formed, and I have a tendency to jot down everything my brain deem important, and thus a lot tends to be written in one go. While I am truly astonished that you think so highly of my post; Devilforce, and happy that someone would enjoy my read to such an extent, I have to agree with Ymedron too, that I understand people skipping over it upon first seeing it.

    Ad hominem attacks, however, would be best if left in peace.

    This is actually a charming idea, even if it would be hard to implement. It could be what makes the races different, to tie in half the community's want to set the races apart. If it was refluffed into something other than Magic, the different races could gain different sorts of equipment, that governed various aspects of the world. Florians, for example, could have a higher aptitude for researching equipment like Terraforming, plant-growing, shaping the earth to increase fertility for plants and so on and so forth. Making trees grow, increase productivity of mushrooms and spores, etc.

    Wheras Avians, on the other hand, could mayhaps change the weather instead, colouring the atmosphere, create devices that let them fly for a limited time, decrease the effective gravity for greater leaps, and so on and so forth. Humans, could perhaps have a penchant for self-boosting mechanics that increases various stats to help them grow stronger, wheras Apex could perhaps be centered around movement speed in various way, and have abilities that let them traverse difficult landscapes easier (Like being able to walk on water for a limited time, managing to climb up higher blocks without stopping, better jumping capabilities and such).
  6. Salrith

    Salrith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Apex are said to be the pinnacle of technological advancement in a way, so maybe they could have cybernetics for boosts! Walking on water might be as simple as bionic legs, or maybe flotation devices implanted in feet, with cybernetic balance augmentations implanted in their inner ear to let them walk on water. *Nods*

    Also, a handy tip for Ymedron, Dairuga's posts are almost always worth reading. ;) Lots of thought behind each, Sal'rith finds.
  7. It was well written, but a message board is just not the right medium for a page-spanning post. Sadly dividing it into multiple posts (which would help reading) is seen as spamming. :l
    Oh well.
  8. hmmm I really hope they include magic somehow, but idk if this will work
  9. SchuldKruz

    SchuldKruz Big Damn Hero

    I would prefer that Magic will be in the form of Artifacts or Ancient Technology left by the old inhabitants of the planets that you visit. Mysticism and Sci-Fi doesn't mix well, but putting in some lore behind it might give it some thought.
  10. DevilForce

    DevilForce Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ahhh... That's more like it!
  11. SchuldKruz

    SchuldKruz Big Damn Hero

    I could go on for hours ranting about this stuff but yeah I think it "might" be a good idea, IF the magical aspects blends in well in the lore and theme of the game.
  12. Mastaf

    Mastaf Big Damn Hero

    Coloured text must have a mysterious power of mind controlling, cause I wrote very similar post and barely saved my life from "It won't be in the game, you @#$%^" etc. My next post will be written in pink!
  13. SchuldKruz

    SchuldKruz Big Damn Hero

    You have no idea how powerful colored and different font texts has is...
  14. Mastaf

    Mastaf Big Damn Hero

    Mastaf quoted your post in the thread How "magic" would fit.

    Sorry, I wanted to test it. Violet is my final choice. Minds - watch out!
    PixelJunkie and AstroBlast like this.
  15. SchuldKruz

    SchuldKruz Big Damn Hero

    Then go forth and spread the MAGIC
    Mastaf likes this.
  16. Salrith

    Salrith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Coloured text is very good and powerful on boards. Used to write in pink once, but people complained. Don't use it in big blocks of text, unless it's easy on the eyes.
    Never use yellow. Sal'rith's advice.
    ...Forums are the best place for that. o_O

    However, yes. Ancient lost technology and such. Finding Atlantis, in a way!
  17. Mastaf

    Mastaf Big Damn Hero

  18. Salrith

    Salrith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nooo, that's fuschia. This is deep magenta - Sal'rith claiming Deep Magenta now :D
    THIS is Violet. #8F00FF
  19. Mastaf

    Mastaf Big Damn Hero

    Well, I'll repeat this once again.
    Salrith likes this.
  20. Salrith

    Salrith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Woah, woah... Sal'rith gets it.
    *Kicks rock into hole, because there's a lack of other things*

    ..We should probably get back to topic. *Shuts up*
    Mastaf likes this.

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