How Do You Plan to Play?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pickleton, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. Pickleton

    Pickleton Space Penguin Leader


    alliteration aside. During the stream some things about the story were mentioned. will you go against Joja in its attack on the valley, or are you entirely against them?
    Will you be an introverted farmer and make the biggest farm possible, only talking to people because of the story? Or will you make having a relationship with the towns people the priority, making friends and giving everyone your first parsnips?

    so, how do you plan to play Stardew Valley?
    • PuzzledLight

      PuzzledLight Space Spelunker

      I for one intend to plumb the depths of every style the game has to offer. Especially if it helps circumvent menial labor. Sprinklers, tool upgrades, the lot.
      • oath2order

        oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

        I'll be looking out for everything
        • Teien

          Teien Subatomic Cosmonaut

          At least for my first playthrough I will focus on restoring the town hall, and exploring everything really (Not the JoJa storyline at all, though!) For a second playthough I will do the Joja storyline and marry another person etc.
          I also want to try different strategies on each playthroughs.
          • PuzzledLight

            PuzzledLight Space Spelunker

            I wonder if the game encourages diversifying. Like its possible to over saturate the market if you do all vegetables, so the prices go down until you sell monster drops or fish.
            • Silverbane7

              Silverbane7 Pangalactic Porcupine

              i will mostly farm, upgrade the place, try to get the animals and make them happy.
              try to rebuild the community center to be a decent and usefull place, but i wont try *too* hard to completely remove the 'corp because we (ie the village) may actualy need them one day.
              if there is a balance ending where everyone (or the most people from both/all sides) can be happy and love prosperously, i will aim for that (assuming there even IS a balance ending lol)

              at least for the first farmer
              • Tamorr

                Tamorr Supernova

                hmm... I guess how I go about every game I would play. Basically go as I play. In other words just play and what comes up will come up. The decisions made on the fly. Leading each character I play to what direction I want in that moment. So moment to moment, day to day. :nurutease:
                • Wasselin

                  Wasselin Pangalactic Porcupine

                  Constantly. I plant to do explore everything possible within one play-through. I'm most excited for my farm, but I'm really interested in the story. Right now I'm inclined to be against the Joja Corporation, but I'll have to see how the story plays out.
                  • kattenjansson

                    kattenjansson Cosmic Narwhal

                    gonna saturate the local market with turnips by doing nothing but planting them. then after i have a bunch of turnip money ill buy out all the local assets and resources and funnel their production driving up the price of everything else. then skip town after decimating the local economy
                      PuzzledLight likes this.
                    • PuzzledLight

                      PuzzledLight Space Spelunker

                      After showing the valley the new face of evil, the mayor agrees to sell the center to joja.
                      • Teien

                        Teien Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        I will also try to collect allllll the thingsssss

                          Bexy, Pickleton and Lellom like this.
                        • kattenjansson

                          kattenjansson Cosmic Narwhal

                          no one ever explicitly said that the new resident is less evil than Joja. in fact, everyone being preoccupied with Joja works to my advantage... let's me swoop under the radar. "who me? I'm just the new farmer in town, don't care much for them big business folks. Care for a farm-fresh turnip?"

                          I plan on leaving behind children when I skip town also.
                            PuzzledLight likes this.
                          • Snappyr

                            Snappyr Big Damn Hero

                            I just want to absentmindedly walk through the woods, foraging, daydreaming.
                            • Digus

                              Digus Spaceman Spiff

                              I will go for a complete run with my first character, doing the community center quest line, because that was how CA first idealize the game.
                              • Kinja

                                Kinja Cosmic Narwhal

                                Well it all depends on how the game "plays". I'l probably clean up the farm at first, because my OCD won't allow me to live in a garbage dump(if the farm is anything like HM/RF), then i'l very likely go explore the town, meet the characters, try to burgle the wizard's tower and head into the mines to butcher everything. After i'v had my fill i'l probably try to set up an orchard and make some booze. This is actually something i'v really been wondering about, if the game has a forced progression, and makes you start with the most basic of crops(something like turnips or potatoes) and work your way up, or if you can play it your way and go for whatever type of farm you feel like having. Because i would love to have an orchard at first, maybe some bees too, need to have the bees ready in case Nicholas Cage comes snooping around.
                                • WatcherCCG

                                  WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

                                  Gonna tear into every aspect of life, in this game, save for one.

                                  I'm never touching the Joja storyline.

                                  Why? Our character is clearly trying to escape Joja and its trudgery, according to the intro. Why would you ever want to bring that sort of soulless commerce to Stardew Valley when you came to the valley for the purpose of escaping it?
                                    Kinja likes this.
                                  • Kinja

                                    Kinja Cosmic Narwhal

                                    Same here, i know i'l probably be cheating myself out of a different second run at the game but i just can't bring myself to help them destroy a historical landmark to build a damn mall. I see that enough irl in my country, i don't need to be a part of it in a game.
                                      Teien, Rainbow Dash and WatcherCCG like this.
                                    • Silverbane7

                                      Silverbane7 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      with you tube, you never have to miss out on playing an ending path you cant bring yourself to play through ^^
                                      (evil playthroughs for me. i cant be evil to save my life lol...closest i ever came was saints row 3+4 and even then, i leave the coppers alone...thogh i am merciless when it comes to the mascots.....they have learned to fear the superhero known as the purple punisher ^^)
                                      • Pickleton

                                        Pickleton Space Penguin Leader

                                        (WOOP WOOP WACH OUT FOI DEE SPOILZ)

                                        from what I have seen, yes, there are tree sapling but they are super pricey so you'll have to grow a couple batches of parsnips to get some
                                        • Pickleton

                                          Pickleton Space Penguin Leader

                                          I might go into it once just to dip my toes in and see what its like, but yeah I agree.
                                          but I thinks its really cool that they put something like this into the game, you don't see this kind of thing in many games like this!

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