Hotfix 4 for Enraged Koala is out.

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    For information , i've repear my files after the patch 2 , and all is still ok for me.

    remember :
    rule 1 : copy your fully "starbound" folder daily
    rule 2: never forget rule 1
  2. Taramur

    Taramur Space Hobo

    Ups, no i didn't come up with the idea of torn up the furniture and replace it again :oops:. I will try this. Thanks!
  3. GTO

    GTO Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes, but in my case the issue persist and the hotfixes didn't came with a solution whatsoever...
    I already did... but the mods didn't answer. Thats why i'm posting the issue right here, to make sure they can read it here as well.
    Also, another bump just to make sure.
  4. DarkPursuer

    DarkPursuer Void-Bound Voyager

    Is the hotfix really out? Because i still can't warp back to home planet.
  5. joriandrake

    joriandrake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It is out, but hotfix 5 is supposed to fix the home warp thingy, this is just hotfix 4
  6. DarkPursuer

    DarkPursuer Void-Bound Voyager

    I see... wish there was some way to check whether steam had downloaded the hotfix @_@
  7. Malor

    Malor Tentacle Wrangler

    Still down. Need Hotfix 5.
  8. Frigglish

    Frigglish Space Penguin Leader

    Besides the Downloads tab of the Library that tells you what Steam is downloading or has downloaded?
    doclainlain likes this.
  9. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    I don't understand why the game is still broken for some player.... my game run well since the hotfix 2...
  10. Icowom

    Icowom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmph, even after the Hotfix 4, I still get this error. Really dunno what is wrong, updating or deleting all my mods doesn't seem to cut it

    Attached Files:

  11. Celd' The Magi

    Celd' The Magi Pangalactic Porcupine

    Alright what I have learned.

    BACKUP your files everyday before launch.

    What I am currently experiencing:

    So far, all the bugs I have ran into have been fixed. I as of this morning can set and warp to a home planet again. All containers are fixed, ship locker is back after .shipworld file was deleted.

    Going to try Multiplay tonight, the sever has not had any issues. And our planet is not having any bugs atm.

    I HAVE NOT tested going to a Magma/Volcanic planet.
  12. Malor

    Malor Tentacle Wrangler

    In my case, my server is down because the default planet coordinates no longer parse correctly; the game crashes when it tries to start. This should have been fixed with Hotfix 5, but they haven't released it.

    I think the only thing worse than this nutty idea of daily updates is updating just enough to hose a huge fraction of your playerbase, and then leaving a bunch of them hanging.
  13. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Is there any particular reason you seem to be manually typing the quote tags instead of just using "Reply"? It makes back-tracking through a conversation really annoying.
  14. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Our server works fine but, after some hours, he can't answer to query of gametracker or ListForge.

    Try having many players at the same time on server and tell me if he still be online on query's.
    Thank You
  15. databyss

    databyss Space Hobo

    So if I only backed up my player folder, am I screwed on my ship?
  16. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    Grats and don't forget they all need the correct work permits too :up:
  17. Tolerant

    Tolerant Void-Bound Voyager

    If you backup only player FOLDER, than you're almost fine. Since yu o not backup Universe folder, you will have to open all quests, planets (they will be generated again, different) and codex again. Ship and character is saved.
    If you saved only *. Player file, than yeah, ship is gone, quests is gone, universe is new, only your charwith its iinventory left.
  18. Neko_Kotori

    Neko_Kotori Void-Bound Voyager

    I prefered not being able to use a bed, atleast I could play starbound. Now neither me nor my boyfriend can get any further than selecting a character
  19. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    i don't thinks because player file and shipworld isnt the same file. But if you're afraid to lost something , copy and past all your starbound folder somewhere and try , if something is wrong replac it for cancel.
  20. Dexkill

    Dexkill Aquatic Astronaut

    Well I deleted the shipworld file but still dont have shiplocker. Any idea(s)?

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