Hotfix 4 for Enraged Koala is out.

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. GTO

    GTO Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm gonna BUMP just to make sure the mods can read this.
  2. Flannicus90

    Flannicus90 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I hadn't started playing since the first wipe, but its heartening to know that you all are so diligent on this!

    Omni, go have some mead.
  3. AbsolutInfinity

    AbsolutInfinity Space Hobo

    Is anyone else having the problem where the heart forge is craftable, but when they place it it gets deleted?
  4. Zauber Paracelsus

    Zauber Paracelsus Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't know if it's been noted already, but I found that the issue with being unable to set one's home is only a visual bug. Your home location is actually being set. The problem is that the marker is not being set.
  5. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    This, is true for me too.
  6. Broken Realms

    Broken Realms Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I need to inform anyone who is concerned as I was about the ship's 3D printer. My concern was that upon deleting the shipworld data file would also clear out my 3D printer of all the things I have accumulated and scanned into it over my Starbound exploration. After spending -millions- of pixels recreating everything, building storage for it off ship and on another planet, making several trips to transfer the items etc. I deleted my shipworld file successfully restoring my ship storage. Curious before I began scanning my plethora of goodies I took a look at my -new- 3D scanner and was surprised to see it already had all the items within it's list.

    That said, in short you don't have to do what I did. You can just delete the shipworld file and life should be good. If this isn't true for any other player please let me know. Also be sure to backup your files before deleting anything in case this was a weird fluke.
    Shaggyd0g likes this.
  7. Icowom

    Icowom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I got that error myself, im assuming it's because I haven't updated my Starbound after the first Enraged Koala hotfix, but it played for me just fine immediately after the first hotfix...
  8. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    All work fine for me , do you use mod(s) ?

    If yes , try remove them , place the heart-forge and enabled your mod again.

    (i don't use mod at all so i'm not sure)
  9. Shaggyd0g

    Shaggyd0g Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry for the misinformation about that then.
  10. User011232

    User011232 Guest

    Okay, now I'm done with downloading all the hotfiex and that one patch. And now are all the mods I need updated.

    And then I had to experience that the game still horribly slows down the computer.

    why. Like, really, why.

    Don't wanna be rude, but I seriously prefer a game being able to run without bullcrapslowdowns instead of a game that slows down my whole pc and has... new music stuff in it.

    I'm sad. Like. Really sad. So sad. Even sadder than before.
  11. Frigglish

    Frigglish Space Penguin Leader

    Does kind of bleed memory like a stuck pig with a belly full of aspirin, doesn't it. :unsure:
  12. FuzzyThor

    FuzzyThor Existential Complex

    Why was the morphball jump height reduced. I made a morphball obstacle course but now you cant just 2 blocks high.

    Edit. I think the size of the ball was changed also since i made a stairway very small only a morphball could go through but now i cant even get down there.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  13. mcatbus

    mcatbus Space Hobo

    This happened to me after deleting my ship files. I've verified game cache, uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail. The game is completely unplayable
  14. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    Oh, cool! Thanks.
  15. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    If you want the dev's to see your issue, you should consider posting in the "In-game and Billing Support" sub-forum. It's not likely that they're reading through the news pages to hunt for bugs.
  16. joriandrake

    joriandrake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Friggin Gremlins stole it o_O
  17. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks! You guys are the best squad of devs ever!
  18. Taramur

    Taramur Space Hobo


    with my backup I got my missing chests, ship and stuff back but I'm still unable to sit or sleep on m homeplanet.
    What now?
  19. joriandrake

    joriandrake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You meant the latest hotfix didn't get rid of that problem yet?
  20. Frigglish

    Frigglish Space Penguin Leader

    You've torn up and replaced all the furniture you're trying to use? It still needs to have its interactivity scripts 'reset', as it were.

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