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Server Discussion Hosting a slightly modded starbound server(mostly dectorations/build items)

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Remiarn, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. Remiarn

    Remiarn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am hosting a server on my computer I can keep up pretty much 24/7 with mostly mods that just add stuff to make a cool base with and add a lot of decorations. I am looking for people who want to play through the game's story and just explore try out all the new 1.0 stuff that has just come out. If you would like to join me just add me or shoot me a msg on steam and I can send you a link on my google drive and all you have to is drop the mods folder in and play. I would love to build some awesome bases and do some cool builds as well as story/exploring and whatever else.

    Steam name: Remiarn

    Incase you are curious what mods i'm using

    colorbound 2106'
    bk3k blocks/objects
    community part pack
    concert mod
    frazy freaks musical collection
    extended songbook
    head hunting
    human furniture
    ikn furnishings
    immersive props
    obsidian furniture
    item broadcaster
    izzy vallhalla
    lendardy music
    library assets
    LS expanded colors
    mighty music instruments
    millenum furniture
    monstercat musicpack
    more alarms
    not for girls only
    pet craft
    pixel good store/fix
    prop pack
    mighty music song pack
    racial kitchen counters
    red kitchen counters
    skywinds music pack
    undertale music pack
    zelda gear
  2. Kostriktor

    Kostriktor Big Damn Hero

    would be great to know where you are hosting from. since you didnt mention it, i guess youre american lmao. only america exists for americans

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