Homestuck Clan Thread

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Are all of those in the thingy? The, uh, shoot
    What;s that called
    Are all of those in the PM?
  2. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Hey, you two new guys (gals?)! I'm Padexin, or Pax, if you prefer. I am the resident Seer of Breath, a Holder of the Clan Password, Capitalizor of Unnecessary Words, and Demon Lord (mostly Seer of Breath though.) I am one of the experts on Classpect (or Titles), and I enjoy helping people with that (or anything really), so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I am Moirails with Relinies, who is also my mentor. i am one of those who chose my Title for myself with little-to-no external help. If you're curious about the thingies, just ask, and you'll be whisked away to Hell the PM. I currently reside in the Land of Mists and Music, a description of which you can find on page 413 of Thread v2 (linked in the OP.) On May 15, 2013, I joined on Page 752, so I've been here a while now. Again, if you have any questions, ask. I like to both talk and listen, so if you want someone to talk to, I'm here (Steam name is Padexin as well)
    Other than that, my favorite character is Jade, and my favorite troll is Nepeta (pending)
    P.S. The Demon Lord thing is kind of a thread joke. I more tak after "Pax" than I do "Demon Lord"
  3. MCMo

    MCMo Treasure Box

    hey new kids im swag
  4. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Am fundie, can confirm
    WoxandWarf and MCMo like this.
  5. Rakuida

    Rakuida Phantasmal Quasar

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  6. MCMo

    MCMo Treasure Box

    Hatchworth from Steam Powered Giraffe plays (and has played on the SPG stream) starbound
    (and so does their sound engineer Steve Negrete)
    Padexin likes this.
  7. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    MCMo's Laptop?
  8. pyromancerLaurentius

    pyromancerLaurentius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The irony. It is strong.
  9. Tovlyn

    Tovlyn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Good moooooooorninnnggggg, threaaadddddddd!!!!

    Well, that was a way dramatic entrance, now that I think about it...
    Padexin likes this.
  10. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    I felt kinda like an Auspistice the other day during that nightclaw debacle. Mending relationships or at least preparing NC and Relinies to a point where they could sort their own problems out.
    mcmo's laptop was so swagtacular it needed a separate account
    WoxandWarf, MCMo and Padexin like this.
  11. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Seajun_ likes this.
  12. MCMo

    MCMo Treasure Box

    Padexin, WoxandWarf and F-ranko like this.
  13. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    The hard-on square-enix have for that character is frankly embarrassing.

    Or more. Wadda.

    I can't say with absolute certainty, but I'm pretty sure Nintendo only published Okami, I don't beleive it's first party, considering it is on the Playstation 2 with better graphics and smoother FPS.

    Sorry to shatter your dreams, fanboy. but if this is the case it means Nintendo is in no way responsible for this music.

    Okay, decided to check wikipedia, Nintendo has literally fuck all to do with it, it had a downgraded port on the Wii, and that's literally all it's involvement.

    Developed by Blue Clover Studios for the PS2, Published by Capcom. Notice anything?

    None of these companies are affiliated with Nintendo. I am just letting you know because I can't stand Nintendo Fanboys when they don't know their shit and assume that just because something is on the Consoles Nintendo franchises it's automatically Nintendo who is responsible for it.

    Even the company Ready at Dawn, who ported the game to the Wii, is established from retired employees of Blizzard Entertainment and Naughty Dog, companies that to this day have never shown any interest in Nintendo and the company itself primarily supports the PSP.

    If you were implying that Nintendo were in anyway responsible for the fantastic music in Okami, you're wrong, and I have the sources to prove it.

    If that isn't what you were implying, you can disregard this post fully.
    Tovlyn likes this.
  14. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    I caved and got gravatar
    Capcom is was the shit.
    Padexin likes this.
  15. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    I'll be a faerie again, soon.
    Devil May Cry 3, never forget.

    Also I've been listening to this a lot lately.
  16. Tovlyn

    Tovlyn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, well It was sorta what I was implying, though I obviously hadn't backed up my facts. Glory to Clover studios, for sadly they are no more. You win this round, but you can not disregard Nintendo's splendor.

    Yeah I'll just drop these three channels here:

    The holy trinity of nintendo-music-uploaders.

    Metroid is my number two, if not shared number one video-game-franchise of my heart, or is it Kirby? Heck I can't even decide.

    Le EDIT: One little side-note on the Okami-issue, The Wii-version bashed the shit out of the ps2-version.
  17. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Did you know that I'm automatically biased against Nintendo? I sure didn't! ...though I'm sure you can look around right now and find several declarations against that effect.

    I don't think anyone could hate Kirby, that first one gets a pass.

    I mean I'm up there with Yahtzee on chagrinning Nintendo but at least they still make games that are fun, which is more than what can be said for the majority of Triple A devs these days.

    If you asked EA or Activision to make a fun game they'd look at you like you were asking for their dog's testicles. I've also become more in favor of despising the fanbase of Nintendo and not the company themselves, since they have tried new IPs but of course being a bunch of latch-key kids they are people want more Mario or Zelda.

    I actually sort of feel sorry for Nintendo, they can't do anything new without losing money.
    You know I was under the impression for ages that Nintendo didn't make Metroid as a first party because it's just so starkly different to all the kiddy shit they make. But no they do put a lot towards it, and the composer does work for Nintendo.

    That in mind, I also like that second track, because it reminds me of a track from IJI, my favourite indie game of all time.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  18. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere


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  19. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    i thought we were just talking about good music rather than nintendo music. i played the original on PS2. the sequel, Okamiden, was not made by Clover studios but was still great.
    sadly neither of them was enough of a success to make a full-on sequel.
  20. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Okami may as well have been three games in one with how long and intricate it's story was. It was like the SMT games in that sense.

    I've come to recognize that some games are better off as a one time horse. Mirror's Edge sticks in my mind as one of these because I don't see how you could really alter the gameplay to make it more invigorating, and it was essentially super-modern rumrunners. Anything a sequel would entitle would be worse off.

    Portal is also something that would have been fine as just one game, but then Portal 2 was also spectacular by the notion of valve being behind it.

    Some games only need to live once, just as some movies only need to produced once.

    On the note of music, I was pulling up Tobbvald with hard facts.

    Also, it's not yet complete, but here's a sick video that I predestined a while ago.
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