Homestuck Clan Thread

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well I was joking, but I saw two other guys pile on. I felt kind of bad.
    Padexin likes this.
  2. Rakuida

    Rakuida Phantasmal Quasar

    dammit I thought I could trust myself.

    I have no idea
    The most logical answer to this is aliens

    k ;-;
    Funnily enough I do play those two games some times
    hearthstone more than Starcraft since Starcraft isn't as good without friends
    And I'm not going onto any public servers, no thanks
    Padexin, RedScarWolf, Tovlyn and 2 others like this.
  3. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    i was hoping you could answer that
    pfffft, games with morals
    what is this, 2014?
    games are just about killing stuff and saving princesses.
    Padexin likes this.
  4. MCMo

    MCMo Treasure Box

    Well Gflux used the word suxxorz
    hes either really dumb (discard his opinion) or joking (ignore his opinion)
    Padexin, Ikbenbeter and Scienta like this.
  5. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    I for one like WoW.
    I'm not really good at remembering to pay the monthly fee so I just sort of think "I'll buy another month sometime later".
    Padexin and RedScarWolf like this.
  6. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    Padexin and WoxandWarf like this.
  7. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    I myself am still subscribed to WoW and have played since early Vanilla.

    It's not an easy game to discard entirely. Though I play it with so much moderation now it's ridiculous, mostly because I'm too busy playing other games or making my own.

    Or my daily rituals of ignoring everything else and talking to you guys.

    Fuck anything else, you guys are the best medicine.
    Padexin and Scienta like this.
  8. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

  9. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    SR4 even had that thing where Zinyak intruded on a song and they were both just "Oh fuck no". That was great.
    I've recently been trying to 100% my SR3 game, and I can confidently say that the Tiger Escort missions are the least fun things in the game.
    Fuck them.
    Yeah, the SR2 flashbacks were fantastic, and they've actually got me playing SR2 again.
    Actually, playing SR2 has made me realize how bad I want another gangster SR game. SR3 and SR4 were fun as all hell, but they weren't Saint's Row.
    Heck, they could probably still make another classic style SR game and just have SR3 and SR4 be media in the SR canon. If you think about it, SR3/4 is sort of how a popularized version of the Saints would realistically be portrayed.
    Heh, SR5 could just begin with the Boss, Gat, and Shaundi walking out of a movie theater that was showing a SR3/4 double feature going "Well that was a load of shit".
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  10. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    I agree. I have been sitting here with a tab to a starcraft video for like 3 hours. Its 24 min long.

    And I do not regret.
  11. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    I vote for Franks idea on SR5
    F-ranko, Scienta and WoxandWarf like this.
  12. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    I liked the idea of going on from 4 and making SR a massive Space Opera. I guess that works too.
  13. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Side note:
    I actually love my avi, and will never change it (until I get something more awesome, that is, because I am whimsical and stupido)
  14. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Just browse through this site for things, nice mens and womens clothing.

    This is my favourite guy who does guitar game covers.

    . . . I had to delete some comments for the sake of not bringing back up old debates.
  15. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    it's the same with runescape for me.
    i'm just so busy with real life that i barely spent any time on it there days even though i got a subscription
    mmo's are just so unsatisfying at times.
    Padexin likes this.
  16. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    The only reason I've stopped playing MMO's are that there are none without targetting that my PC can play........................
  17. pyromancerLaurentius

    pyromancerLaurentius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  18. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Grav no stop liking old things.
    Padexin likes this.
  19. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Padexin and Scienta like this.
  20. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    All credit to him, I like that post as well.
    Padexin and Ikbenbeter like this.
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