Homestuck Clan Thread: It's 4:13 Somewhere

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Apr 18, 2014.

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  1. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Some dude mc'person who was never alone maybe guy.

    Arch-Mage Zandor likes this.
  2. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Entirely different situation that common sense can solve, your point?
  3. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    Well first, that's true
    Second, what he said agrees with what you said
  4. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I was giving a logical extrapolation of what you said. I can see your insinuation, and I don't appreciate it, but anyway, my point is that I'm trying to look at both sides of your argument, so we don't devolve into a bunch of circle jerking liberals like the media is so ostensibly circle jerking republicans
  5. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    That was kind of the gimmick tho. It was literally just Simon and Lewis on an adventure and that was it.
    Liek dis if u crie evertim
  6. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    *Remembers "A Night to Remem8er"*
    make the memories stop
  7. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  8. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wat is luv
    Bby dun hrt me
    Dun hrt me
    No mor
  9. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    That's actually... really good
    Also, I'm going to try to actually go to bed now
  10. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Oh hey, me too
  11. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Step off she's mine u dikbut il kil u
  12. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's not bad, it all comes down to your beliefs. If you don't like the idea of abortions, then that's no problem, everyone has opinions.
    But what is a problem is these beliefs getting in the way of letting women do what they want with their body, like the US government has been doing.
    When people who are anti-abortion make it so getting abortions is illegal, it's basically saying "This isn't my body but I am going to control it" which isn't right at all.
    If a woman wants an abortion, they should be allowed to get it. If a woman doesn't want an abortion, then she doesn't have to get it.
    I myself don't have any opinion on the abortion process itself, but I believe that if someone wants an abortion, then they should be able to have it and not have their decisions made by someone else.
  13. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wait what really? I did a good? Exxion says I did a good. My life is complete, and I can go to sleep finally
  14. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Wasn't anything directed at you so you should stop probing things for hidden references. Not everyone is out to insult you.

    I don't think abortion is murder. It would be akin to calling euthanasia murder to me. I don't think it's logical to scream murder when I provide an analogy. If you're insane I guess you can think murder is okay.
    Arch-Mage Zandor likes this.
  15. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    There was this one kid (before my time, although I've met the guy) that drank I-can't-remember-how-many energy drinks and nearly died
    We're not allowed to bring them to events anymore
    Not that I mind. I drank maybe 20 oz of Red Bull once and was sick the whole afternoon
  16. pyromancerLaurentius

    pyromancerLaurentius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I finished the Tea, but I feel like sleeping right now would just fuck up my throat even more.
  17. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, same opinion here
  18. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wait what? Slow down let's just ignore people insulting me or not, that is literally a far as possible from the point.
    Can you listen to me for a second? "I'm trying to look at Both sides[...]"
    Okay, murder Is the killing of a human being, right? Isn't the unborn child still a human?
  19. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    It's more of a vaguely-humanoid blob of semi-differentiated cells at that stage of development
  20. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    >12:40 AM
    >Next episode of Walking Dead Season 2 not released
    >Life in ruins
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