Homestuck Clan Thread: 8^y (where y=8)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    What's with JJBA and hot muscular men who stole Hussie's lips.
  2. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    No way, I've had a great week. I feel awesome
  3. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    hey hey
    where is the gei
    I took a vaccine today
  4. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  5. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    hey i thought you didn't exist
    also i feel autistic today so prepare for a thousand of posts from me
  6. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Tuesday was sweet
    Okay, so at these camps, we have a theme (which was the Hunger Games), teams, etc. Each team presents
    On Monday: Their Name (Our was "Mocking Fire")
    On Tuesday: Their Motto (Jesus loves the little children [keep that in context of "The Hunger Games"])
    On Wednesday: Their Team Object, or Mascot or Idol (Ours was a fish)
    And on Thursday: Basically just the best skit you can come up with using these things
    You represent each one with a skit (and the last one is basically just supposed to tie up all the loose ends you left in you other skits; it's also supposed to be the one you work on all week)
    First day, my character was named "Gary Hun." All he said was "hungry" which was pretty funny for the first skit. I dressed up as crazily as I could. It was pretty uneventful; basically one of the team members brought me and "Katfish" in and "President Snowball" asked where the third traitor "Joash" was. "Get Joash in here!" (If that doesn't make any sense, say it out loud to yourself. It sounds quite a bit like "Your a**") Which everyone thought was hilarious
    Tuesday was better. We went on a tour of the Hunger Games, and I was un-crazy Gary, which will make sense later. We just drove around and looked at the sites, and at the end, we ran over one of the kids. It was funny. Then the tour guide said "And here's something we tour guides say to keep ourselves together: Jesus loves the little children."
    It was pretty messed up, so of course, we got first place that night with the skits
    I'll type up the rest in a bit
  7. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Technically, JJBA was a thing before Hussie was a thing.

    Maybe the Huss grew up with JJBA.
  8. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

  9. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Relinies: 9:16 PM - Padexskin: They're eating people
    9:17 PM - Padexskin: Many much yes
    Padexskin: That's out of context and you know it
  10. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    9:18 PM - Relinies: :)
    9:18 PM - Padexskin: :)
  11. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Found a picture of my crazy get up, although it's a genuine smile
  12. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III


    im sorry
  13. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Relinies: But in all seriousness
    Relinies: What happened there
    Padexskin: I haven't told that story?
    Padexskin: I'll post it on thread

    We were playing a dodgeball-esque game inside. I usually duck to dodge, and that day was no exception. The exception WAS that there was a freezer in front of my face. That was in seventh grade
    We got a doctor to put it back in, and it stayed in until I took my braces off. I then broke it off on some frozen cookie dough. Then they put the tooth on my retainer, and I can take it out. It's pretty sweet
  14. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

  15. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    Aeridan now knows what I look like :V
  16. Crimms

    Crimms Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just for the lolz, that's a pretty sweet outfit.

    Also, that retainer story makes the smile even cooler.
  17. Now you will be absorbed into the animemes.
    This will not be stopped.
  18. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

    Did you think I just went around without a tooth in? That would be weird
    Naw man, here's a picture of me later the same day
  19. Crimms

    Crimms Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    You still live up to your Padsexin name
  20. Padexin

    Padexin Big Damn Hero

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