Homestuck Clan Thread: 8^y (where y=8)

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like Asimov tho
    ever read his story about the end and beginning of the universe?
  2. Rapozai

    Rapozai Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome dude! Try to see how they gonna react if you put a bucket full of clows things and honks close them
    D8 another guy how like to have sex with his imagination, ewwwwwww
  3. TachyonBlade

    TachyonBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    Foundation Series: Best ever sci-fi books series, even Dune cries on its mention
    Salvor Hardin: Badass version of Gandhi in said book series
    Assnugget: insult
  4. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    so Gandhi in Civ?
  5. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    isn't that just masterb8ion
  6. Crimms

    Crimms Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not yet, I've only (heh, only) read his Robot series, and the one about a centaur-like alien who's living with a couple, or something like that.
  7. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    Did you mean
    @Alucard I
  8. TachyonBlade

    TachyonBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    No, he's badass while being nonviolent.
  9. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thats a good chumhandle
    o >o
  10. Rapozai

    Rapozai Void-Bound Voyager

    No, masterb8ein is something more like it
    I mean EVERYONE!!! dun dun dun
  11. Crimms

    Crimms Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    BTW, can't find that story about the alien living with a couple. You remember the title?
  12. kawaiiChiimera

    kawaiiChiimera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Never heard of it
  13. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

    The background of the game Mother? :V
  14. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    Speaking of all that reading of Homestuck earlier,

    I have started reading it not too long ago.
  15. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    U fucking what, m8
  16. Crimms

    Crimms Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just no.
    Absolutely no.
    Utterly and completely negative.
    No tienes idea de cuanto y qué tan insistentemente diré que no.
    No hay en absoluto ni una forma racional en la que pueda comprenderse el porqué digo que no.
    Asimov book, mang. That should've been obv.
  17. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Gandhi had an aggression value of 0 in the old games. Switching to Democracy decreases one's aggression value. Unfortunately, since the old games were DOS, the negative value became a mind-bogglingly high one, causing him to go from totally nonviolent to having a nuclear-powered drive to destroy literally everything that exists ever. Due to the hilarity of it, the devs have continued to make Gandhi become insanely aggressive whenever he gets his hands on democracy.

    So no, he's not nonviolent in Civ. He's closer to genocidal.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  18. elusiveTranscendent

    elusiveTranscendent Pangalactic Porcupine

  19. Crimms

    Crimms Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Friend of mine was talking with me in english. We were talking about Cards Against Humanity, when she mentioned she didn't like black humor.
  20. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

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