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Help hacks

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by alambp, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. alambp

    alambp Void-Bound Voyager

    I am creating a public server and I enter and I use hacks in his ship had thousands of materials.
    Exste some way to avoid this type of hacks inside the server
  2. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Make some rules in the server setting that prevents players to go in admin mode.
    And by the way, this isn't hacking, it's perfectly doable in the game as long as you got access to the command console, from which you can do various things
    I'm guessing that the player you're talking about has used the /spawnitem command
  3. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    You can't. They'll just spawn the stuff in singleplayer and carry it over.
    SparkiGames likes this.
  4. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Then seek honest players
    IxFa likes this.
  5. alambp

    alambp Void-Bound Voyager

    There is no way to avoid it? He did that
  6. D.M.G.

    D.M.G. Master Astronaut

    Kick them/ban them if they do it again, but I'd suggest a warning before

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