Year 2, spring. I find out that his love for me goes to 13! Steam build 1.04. How High can I go? Now is this like, over-attached, creepy love, or disney happily-forever-after love?
My Alex also loves me 13! I haven't gotten to 14 yet though. Our relationship would be perfect if he would stop complaining about how messy the house is.
I am sorry but he doesn't, he is only interested in your money and limitless supply of chicken eggs. 13 / 12 = too good to be true, so there is always a catch.
Agent S. is jelly about Agent A. Wait for Agent K. to neutralize you with that thingy... I barely remember.
i think its a bug for the heart to go to 13. and also, it wont go more than 13/12. i've tried giving haley sunflower everyday for a year and its only 13/12