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Hairstyle Mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by GriffinO1, Dec 23, 2018.

  1. GriffinO1

    GriffinO1 Astral Cartographer

    Are there any good Starbound hairstyle mods, (escpecislly for Avians and Florans) that anybody would recommend?
  2. SillyLeaf

    SillyLeaf Aquatic Astronaut

    These look cool in my opinion:
    -Another Floran Hair pack
    -Another Avian Hair Pack
  3. GriffinO1

    GriffinO1 Astral Cartographer

    Thank you very much. Is there a way to search other mods by the creator of the Another Hair Packs?
  4. SillyLeaf

    SillyLeaf Aquatic Astronaut

    Yes! Over the title of a mod in steam workshop you have something like this:

    Starbound > Workshop > Modder Name

    Just click in the Modder's name and you will open his workshop page. :nod:
  5. GriffinO1

    GriffinO1 Astral Cartographer

    Thank you very much!

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