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Good chance we'll get to see the 3rd Stretch Goal today

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Casm, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Yes they will have an access to BETA soon for start releasing content for boost Pre-Orders ^^
  2. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    If they make a trailer and give early access to the media, 1.5 million isn't out of the ballpark.
    IndieGamerRid, punkypie and NightFire like this.
  3. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    Well i think 1,000,000 is close enough and it would be a amazing feat if they make it there
  4. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    I would say it would be 1,000,000, 850,000 is "just" 100,000 more then the goal now and they had to implement more stuff in release edition with "just" 100,000 more
  5. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I believe the next stretch goal will be 1,000,000.

    Again, I think pre-orders will pick up once some more buzz about the game has been generated.
  6. rustybeats

    rustybeats Void-Bound Voyager

    I hope it's something like pets or space whales.
  7. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm still holding out hope that it's a new unique planet biome.
  8. I was just Suggesting this in IRC!

    Like a Floating Islands Planet, where the Planet Surface is ACID! That's for me it's a unique biome ! ;)
  9. Akaiji

    Akaiji Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Eh, I'd prefer a chocolate planet, complete with marshmallow blocks and licorice sabrecat Mobs :D
    Mr. Electric Ocean and Bacon like this.
  10. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    I'd rather a new feature rather than an addition onto a feature we already know is going to be in the game.
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
  11. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ignoring any impediments, what would your reactions be if the 1kk stretch goal was an earlier Beta?
  12. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    If they make couple video they will reach the million cap. For sure. They didnt even do a Trailer video yet. Trust me. They will reach 1 million.
  13. Freekill

    Freekill Pangalactic Porcupine

    I hope the third stretch goal is some form of children's card game.
  14. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The problem with completely brand-new features is they'd probably go towards delaying the development of the game. Something simple or adding on to existing features is IMO more likely. Which I'm okay with as long as they're awesome.

    I mean, I have other ideas on what I'd like to see implemented into the game but I don't believe would be feasible to expect as a stretch goal. A player built gravity control center for example I think would be awesome. Being able to actually control a planet's gravity would be 100% win.

    As for a stretch goal being an earlier beta? I'd love to see it, but realistically speaking I don't see it happening.
  15. LimeTwist

    LimeTwist Subatomic Cosmonaut

    uhm, the entire point of stretch goals is to make money so they can hire/put time into making said things without delaying anything and giving us more content on release.

    these things are going to be implemented eventually. Its just they never had to to put it in for release. but now they are making a ton of money so, woo
  16. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    PureWillkuer and Zain Hallows like this.
  17. orb_outrider

    orb_outrider Big Damn Hero

    Wow, that was freaking fast. Almost reached the stretch goal. I bet the next one will be a million. Now that will be hard to reach, but then again, I doubted it reaching 750k that fast.
  18. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's why I said simple or adding to existing features. There's a limit to what a stretch goal can be. Perhaps I should rephrase. Anything that would delay the game is already not an option. So any ideas that would cause a delay that the the increased income can't prevent is not possible since it's already been stated that there will be no delays made due to stretch goals.

    Brand new features, while I'm not opposed too, would have to be simplistic enough to ensure no delays are made. Fossils are a perfect example. However, something like player gravity control, well, in my eyes is a much more complicated feature.
  19. A CLONE? WHo are you?!
    Nesden likes this.
  20. LimeTwist

    LimeTwist Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh, I thought you were talking about additions like fossils. Yeah I guess so

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