@Nirn Once you get your hands on beta, do you mind sending me some of the files as well? I cannot purchase this game like anytime soon :/ Those new sprites still look good, even though they lost a bit of detail they seem to fit in more, humans only have eyes on their face...you know what I mean?
"They can smash cristals with a mere stomp" Well that ait OP at aaaall Nice race though, i like the idea
This race is a real charm to look at, and unique in it's appearance. I hope you get them implemented.
Well... No details on the Crystals are really given, & Glunaughts are masters at Crystal work... so who knows? Maybe the Crystals smashed underfoot are designed to look deceptively strong, yet be specially crafted to break under Glunaught (not actually super strong) Foot Strength when stomped in just the right way... kinda like a Magicians Trick. (Ever hear before of that Magicians Trick that involves the Briefcase that defies any Adult Strength's attempt to lift it, yet gets lifted just fine by a little girl?) Who says Lore is always pure fact?
Haven't come back to the thread in forever, remember hearing stuff about the body shape early on being a problem. That pretty much sucks, but a mod would be great! Maybe the mod could be incorporated to make other future races a part of it?
My Glunaught Heart is broke... I've found out now that Crystal Biomes only come in Mini-Biome form, & are seriously rare & seemingly only found on Magma & Volcanic Worlds & the like... aka Scoria Heaven. This means Makazi mighta been the only Crystal Planet Biome in existence... before what'll eventually happen to it... How am I ever gonna get enough Crystal Stuffs to Terraform an Ocean World into the new Izakam...?
Or you can just, you know, mod stuff, maybe? I imagine this should be hard even to imagine how it's done, but, in theory, you can pretty much copy a preexisting biome and jury-rig it with the contents of minibiome or whatever Frankenstein style.
I like the way ya think! Maybe the Glunaught Mod could include Mod Code for making Planetary Crystal Biomes!
Really like this race idea, quite a bit of info and good art. Great job! Video doesn't seem to work "This video is unavailable", and some grammar mistakes mostly on deviantart.
but on another note much progress on the mod has been made, as of recently we had ghostar join our crew, and with her comes the gemetoiles. We plan to add tons of things even new dungeons, legendary weapons, and on making a color picker that isn't so limited. I have made a signature for the upcoming mod including its title and a volley view of Makazi. OP to come very soon. also here is the new glunaught sprite with some of the face paints available to your char.
Wow... I would write something more but my brain has been overloaded. EDIT: Wow so overloaded I forgot to put "write" in the sentence...