Race Glunaught

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Nirn, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    The whole point of the voting up is so the devs see what people what if there is a whole crud load of votes for the glunaughts that slime chance won't be as slime still slim but less than before. Yes of course they won't be added with the same sprites for it's the ideas that matter to the devs, the visuals are to pull people in and get a better understanding for them. About the closeness to the hylotl how are they close exactly? They haven't given the lore for them yet so your basing the "closeness off that their both aquatic? From what you say from the "closeness" of the two makes me think you haven't read the thread, and if you haven't your missing out. Now since I don't want to create an argument on Nirn's lovely thread show the kindness not to respond and continue your loving day, and since things on the internet can be easily miss read I have but no hostility (maybe a little) into this post. I am just doing what glunaughts do best and protecting glunaught friends
    Nirn, Brutaka316 and Axe Garian like this.
  2. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    That is, indeed, honorable.

    Anyways, the thing is, they are visually really close to Hylotl, I mean, those gills for instance, and overall the fact there is aquatic... And, fact is, since each race requires their own items, their own settlements, their own palceable objects, their own comment lines, it is extremely unlikely that starbound team will concentrate on quantity of races aviable. So it's logical that team will attempt to have the races as distinct as possible, that is, since there are Glitch already, no medieval culture civilizations / no robotic races. And you see, this one's visual design and overall basic design overal with Hylotl a lot.

    Honestly, I wish Nirn would consider either redesigning or creating a new race submission. He has excelent spriting and lorewriting skills, would be shame if he'd waste them on one race with minimal chance of getting into the game.
    Nirn and Zeklo like this.
  3. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    Yes that is true, many like you have said the same thing and she knows this, she has said that if it is not implemented it shall be modded in along side some other races. She is indeed not wasting her skills on it, she enjoys working on glunaughts that in its self is enough explanation.
    EDIT: If you ever look back on this I have thought of one fact. They have 7 races have added the novakid. I do not believe they will keep an odd number odd races, for the unsymmetrical placement on the character creation menu. Nor may they add a another aquatic race no on knows but the devs themselves.
  4. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    I will continue my Glunaughts but I have several other races in the works right now. That I am sure you will enjoy. ^_^ also *she I also am very aware my Gluanughts will not be added, not because of the similarities with the Hyotls but because of the odd body type they posses.

    To my fellow Glunaught
    Heya guys, I am a little out of the loop at the moment due to some life consuming events, but I wanna make it up to you. Just tell me what you wanna see from this thread and I'll get to it. Be it sprites, lore, or just generally art. I'm all ears.​
  5. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm disturbed

    Why are glen aughts being downvoted??
    Hater...... Go die
    What about some glum aught housing?
    Zain Hallows likes this.
  6. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Hey guys sorry. I'll be back soon. I just need to finish up moving out. I have not forgotten about you.
    Zeklo and Axe Garian like this.
  7. Rajotazo

    Rajotazo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I figure that this wouldn't be implemented, or would be greatly changed due to balance issues. You see that all the races we have so far are the same size, have variable but minor bonuses that are equal. They would be greatly changed. You would not be able to:

    1.) Have tails or shells.| This would cause great armor problems, as most armor (that is meant to be fit for ALL races) would need to have specialized looks for this race. (Which would be hell.)
    2.) Withdraw your head back into your shell.| They'd need to make a separate little doohickey or button press for this. It would be hell in coding as all races are meant to be equal in most respects.
    3.) Take away the advantage in strength that you seem to have put in the first post, or at the very least minimize it.|

    That's about it.
    If these issues were already addressed, please tell me. I did not read much into the 80 pages of text, so pardon my ignorance, I did not mean to cause a war.
    I like your ideas, though, please continue with the creativity.
    Nirn likes this.
  8. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    they were, dingus
  9. Rajotazo

    Rajotazo Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    "Suffer not the alien to live."
    centor111 and Nirn like this.
  10. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    I forgot that I am the only one who speaks Australian here. Translation: THEY WERE INCLUDED A FEW PAGES BACK SWEET MURICA (burp)
  11. Rajotazo

    Rajotazo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1.) I am not American.

    2.) "Suffer not the alien to live." Is a Black Templar quote from Warhammer 40K.

    3.) Herpaderp was something I posted to show that I acknowledged my own ignorance and lack of attention on the subject.

    4.) You're wrong to think that anyone who posts something stupid is American. I'm Scottish.
  12. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Lets not fight please. I would like my thread to remain peaceful.
    Axe Garian and Zeklo like this.
  13. Rajotazo

    Rajotazo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm not going to start swearing or getting angry. Not here to fight people. He's clearly here to provoke, though.
    Nirn likes this.
  14. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    I understand why you would be motivated to react, but if he is trying to provoke the best to do is not react or respond politely.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  15. Rajotazo

    Rajotazo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And I have.
    Nirn likes this.
  16. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    sorry, didn't realize the gap in translations.
    Nirn likes this.
  17. Andrew1163

    Andrew1163 Void-Bound Voyager

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I can't be the only one who thought the same thing when they saw this :catface2:
    Nirn and Axe Garian like this.
  18. Andrew1163

    Andrew1163 Void-Bound Voyager

    Really good idea anyways, I don't really want the 3-block high and 2-block when ducking though. Otherwise, I love everything about the idea and the sprites are awesome! :D
    Nirn likes this.
  19. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    [​IMG]More to come.[​IMG]
  20. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    that talking animation should have at least one frame where the mouth is closed
    Nirn likes this.

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