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Glitch Starter Ship, Opinions and Comments

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Alluvian_Est-Endrati, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Starbiscuit, Nadroz, Manry and 17 others like this.
  2. Fact:
    Best ship ever.
    Vesuvia, Diego Graziosi, Nymz and 6 others like this.
  3. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    bite my shiny, golden... ship?
  4. Kix

    Kix Phantasmal Quasar

    It looks rather steam punk and... bare. I guess there's not much there at the start.

    The Glitch looks knightly though. I'd keep it as a servant.
  5. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    We all live in a yellow submarine... yellow submarine... yellow submarine...
  6. EddyOkapi

    EddyOkapi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This one is looking quite sweet imo. Love the steampunkesque outer layer. I'm just hoping, as others stated in oher threads, the way the modules will be a bit different or some such. Although I'm easy to please so just those minor changes are fine and dandy by my book. :B
  7. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Plenty of room to improve, neh? It will be interesting to see how this compares with the other race's starter vessels in terms of design aesthetic.
  8. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    That is pretty awesome. I am curious as to what the Novakid starter ship is gonna look like. :rofl:

    Also that armor is pretty ace. I wonder if they have it in gold. Liking the semi-steampunk look to the ship. I was figuring we'd see a bit more of the Medieval inspiration on the ship but I'm just as happy with that.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  9. Lyrael

    Lyrael Sandwich Man

    To be honest, I thought we'd all start with the exact same ship, regardless of race. So I'm pleasantly surprised.
    CatrexInTheHat and Keadin like this.
  10. Kix

    Kix Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm betting the gold parts gets replaced, and maybe the windows get different shapes. Beyond that, I bet it looks similar.
  11. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Yeah, at the moment I am having trouble imagining the one for the Novakid. Perhaps it will resemble a space locomotive, like the crashed one seen int heir concept art?
    Boese and Kingpendragon like this.
  12. [​IMG]
    Definitely getting steampunk vibes from it.
    Diego Graziosi, Charon and Jonesy like this.
  13. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    damn I didn't see this.
  14. WoodrowJenkins

    WoodrowJenkins Orbital Explorer

    Nice to see we'll all have different ships per race. It makes sense really, with all the detail they go into with the lore of each race and how the armor and tech are represented by race.

    so the ship is just extra sugar for the entire delicious (starbound)cake
  15. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    I have to agree. Steampunk meets space is just beyond words.

    Popping Balloon In Zero Gravity GIF.gif
    AlphaMongoose likes this.
  16. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I absolutely LOVE IT :rainbow:
  17. Dr. Chaos

    Dr. Chaos Void-Bound Voyager

    That is EXACTLY what I hoped to see when I clicked on this thread.

    Right on.
  18. punkypie

    punkypie Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm a human but i want THIS model! :rainbow:
  19. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Your mustache needs to be this lush to have that ship, human.

  20. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    Oh yeah, a steampunk ship, I want.

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