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Community Glitch Ship AI Feedback

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Izzabelle, Jun 19, 2014.


Do you like the Glitch Ship AI?

  1. No, I really really dislike it

    156 vote(s)
  2. No

    58 vote(s)
  3. Yes

    47 vote(s)
  4. Yes, I really really like it

    121 vote(s)
  5. I am indifferent

    46 vote(s)
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  1. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    Like i posted before:
    The Glitch are "living" in medieval times and maybe choose the horse because it was one of the main-transports in that age. A Glitch-spaceship is your main-transport so it make sense that the Glitch decided to take a "Horse-AI". Imo it's fitting perfect.


    To be honest...a few changes must be made if it is staying the horse especially the female "part". Also the facial expression should be changed...Actually it looks more like...ehm ...wanting to mate in any case ^^'

    Jeoshua likes this.
  2. UnsubRedun

    UnsubRedun Plebeian

    RE: Lecic

    So what if it is? What kind of point are you trying to make here? One of the devs wears a fedora, you're not going to memeshame any of them. Besides the horse head mask thing is actually in the game itself, isn't it?
  3. Jeoshua

    Jeoshua Existential Complex

    Let me clarify my position somewhat:

    I am completely okay with a "Horse" AI. I am not okay with a "Boobed-Horse-Lady AI". As many of the people who have been for this situation have pointed out, a medieval race seeing their space-ship as a steed is not only okay, but actually kind of cool. It's the rediculous nature of the boobs and dress and... shall we say... other issues surrounding this AI that I disapprove of, not it's face, in the slightest.
  4. @Poppinz last post was a little irrelevant to the thread, so I deleted it.
  5. Biidi

    Biidi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Personally I think you're missing a voting option. One for those of us who have no opinion at the moment, kind of a 'wait and see' option. I don't particularly like it, but I also don't dislike it. I'm willing to wait and give CF the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are just messing with us. Maybe there is something in the Glitch lore that would make this AI fit and they haven't told us yet. Maybe it's just the initial AI while the ship is broken but as soon as you fix it the AI reverts to something more appropriate.
    Skyblade799 likes this.
  6. PartyAlarm

    PartyAlarm A "Cool" "Good" poster.

    I think the AI is funny, and is Glitchy. It's the Glitch equivalent of a human having a robot dog AI. The Human's robodog would be a caricature of a robot, whereas the Horse AI is a Glitch caricature of an organic life form.
  7. Good call.

    Edit: Aweeee. I can't add options after the initial poll creation. :(
  8. TheRagamuffin

    TheRagamuffin Master Chief

    The glitch are robots that think they're knights, right? It makes sense to me that the AI of their ship (their mount, in this case) is a horse.
    Ramones_fan likes this.
  9. UnsubRedun

    UnsubRedun Plebeian

    Jeoshua you keep talking about how the boobs are not necessary because they're silly but you seem to be forgetting that the Glitch females themselves, non-biological constructs, have tits, so like, what's the deal here. Robots can have boobies but when you've got a non-physical robotic AI it's right out?
    TheNameless and photostyle like this.
  10. Aeolipyle

    Aeolipyle Space Spelunker

    The issue with this poll is it is not really representative of the entire playerbase, and the main issue here really isn't the horsehead ai at all, but the fact that Chucklefish seems to be trolling this game's community, especially those of us who criticize the game. I was banned briefly, in fact, for doing so.
    Thundercraft and TaoJaz like this.
  11. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    I can't vote, as my option isn't there. For me it is middle ground. It is more i like and dislike rather than nothing behind my opinion. I understand why it is there. I have no problem that it is there. Not fond of it, but doesn't really matter to me much. I guess either way for me.

    I am just uncertain I guess. At least most the AIs make sense. Doesn't mean I have to really like them though. I am not fond of the Floran AI, but I don't mind it either as there is validity behind it and all the rest from what I can tell; also from what I have read from the devs.

    There is no way I could really come up with anything. Heck I would be comfortable with a talking barrel as an AI. Yes I am an odd Floran.. umm... Odd one... I may be creative in some ways, yet not so in others. Easily entertained and very tolerant... I guess that is the closest word I can think of.
  12. Eonwe

    Eonwe Macho Man

    I told you why it was deleted, so I need you to drop it now. Thanks.
  13. I think his problem is less that the boobs exist, but that they are more prominent than anything else breast-releated featured in the entirety of the game.
    UnarmedCivilian, Lecic and Jeoshua like this.
  14. TheRagamuffin

    TheRagamuffin Master Chief

    I missed this post before. Considering it's a dev build, this is pretty obviously placeholder text. Though I imagine there would be people getting mad even if the AI dialog was Lorem Ipsum.
  15. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    or it could be said it was based on any number of things, does it really mater what it is based on. there seem to be three sets of opinions here, those who hate it, those who love it or somewhere inbetween. most fall into the third catagory.
  16. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    My point has literally nothing to do with the horse being a furry thing. My point is that
    1. It reminds me of the guys who think certain people aren't or can't be "gamers" (ie the "fake game gurls" myth) so it loses a lot of credibility in my eyes. A "gamer" is anyone who plays games and not your thin model of what constitutes one.
    2. Chucklefish is making people want to stop buying their other games and will probably tell their friends not to buy their games, and in turn their friends and so on because they don't take the players seriously.
    I realise the person you were talking to was talking about people leaving because of "furries" but that's not what my point is about.
  17. Psycho Hyena

    Psycho Hyena Phantasmal Quasar

    I think it looks dumb and I don't know what the idea behind it is but I also don't really care. At least they're fucking adding things again.
  18. Poppinz

    Poppinz Pangalactic Porcupine

    well humans don't have a robot dog ai...

    and a dog is kinda seen as "mans best friend" so that would make more sense for an ai than a horse lady with buck teeth and boobs

    also i dont think a robot dog is really a caricature of a robot? its a robot thats made to act like a dog and stuff, its a common thing that we see in sci fi actually, we dont see anthro lady horses with buck teeth and boobs being a thing that robots make as a caricature of organic life... or.... whatever....

    even if it is a caricature why would they make it the ai in the first place, why would they give it boobs and buck teeth instead of just a regular horse or something
  19. UnsubRedun

    UnsubRedun Plebeian

    Mr.s Clause outfit is literally the same thing as the horse tits but HT are HD.
  20. Eonwe

    Eonwe Macho Man

    You were never banned for criticizing the game. PM me if you want to keep talking about this, but everyone I've seen in the mod actions threads has been making very unproductive posts, and they were punished as a result.
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