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Community Glitch Ship AI Feedback

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Izzabelle, Jun 19, 2014.


Do you like the Glitch Ship AI?

  1. No, I really really dislike it

    156 vote(s)
  2. No

    58 vote(s)
  3. Yes

    47 vote(s)
  4. Yes, I really really like it

    121 vote(s)
  5. I am indifferent

    46 vote(s)
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  1. Kismet

    Kismet Yeah, You!

    I did read your posts, and I'm pointing out that the two things really are quite different.

    The glitch horse is a horse showing its teeth. I can't give you a link to google images to show you pictures of real horses showing their teeth, but you can look it up yourself quite easily by googling "horse teeth". There are always going to be similarities between a drawn, semi-realistic horse's face like the glitch AI and the horse mask, which is a mass-produced, semi-realistic model based on an actual horse's face, because they are both based on the same thing. Horse eyes look like that. Horse teeth look like that. They also did a really good job making the front of the muzzle look as though it's been lifted up to show the teeth, which is attention to detail I wasn't expecting.

    Personally, I think it's adorable-- especially the concept of a glitch thinking its ship is a horse/a steed of some kind. It's very fitting for a medieval-themed society.
  2. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    wow i never thought about it that way

    it is adorable
  3. Magmarashi

    Magmarashi Cosmic Narwhal

    Sorry, but you're just going to HAVE to deal with it. It's their game and they are making it their way, some parts you won't like and some parts you will. It isn't forcing it down your throat, it's how they want it to be. There are lots of games that have loads of features I don't like, but I'm not the lead designer for that game so oh well.

    Mods will be along to cater to people that feel the same way you do. It is no more absurd to tell someone to just make use of a perfectly safe mod than it is to demand the devs make unnecessary changes. Unnecessary changes that other people will then bitch and moan about taking away dev time that could be used for other things.
  4. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    that goes both way, you are bitching and moaning over me being polite and offering compromise think about that, of course its not going to keep me from playing the game this is a thread about our opinions and thats mine dont like it ignore it like i MAY have to do to that horse.
  5. Kismet

    Kismet Yeah, You!

    Then stop replying. It's okay to disagree, but your dissatisfaction has been noted, and staying in the thread to argue the point won't change anyone's mind and will likely just make you (more?) upset.

    You have an opinion. Other people are not you, and therefore have completely different opinions. That's just something we all have to live with.
  6. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Hahah, if there's one thing I'd agree with it would be this.
    ObsidianDragon13 likes this.
  7. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    if you honestly dont like it, use mods
    its not that hard

    im sure out of the 62 people who hate it, one of you knows how to draw
  8. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you all could do the same just saying :/ no need to automatically attack those who dont agree.
  9. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Cool it, people. Any more arguing, and this thread gets a nice big lock.
  10. Magmarashi

    Magmarashi Cosmic Narwhal

    We're disagreeing with you and giving our reasons as to why we disagree and think it isn't a big deal, while responding to your posts.

    That isn't attacking.
  11. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i wont bother posting the insults you posted. i dont want to get the thread locked. so im just going to go ok :rolleyes:
  12. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    yah jonesy

    its just a heated discution
    it hasnt turned into a fight......yet

    but your a mod so....eh :rofl:
  13. Magmarashi

    Magmarashi Cosmic Narwhal

    You should report anyone who insults you, honestly, and provide detailed reasoning as to why those words are insults to the mods in the report. I agree with you there.
  14. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    im not going to report you for that thats silly its just getting heated to be honest we should all be friends here but that horse is tearing us apart :rofl: anyway if i offended you i apologize this whole thing is getting blown out of proportion.
  15. Kismet

    Kismet Yeah, You!

    Pointing out that people have differing opinions and we all have to learn how to deal with that fact is arguing? Alright then.

    I'm not interested in going in circles over such a silly thing, but I find the fact that you're labeling my "we've got different opinions and I'm moving on" post an argument kind of hilarious, really.
  16. Kreq

    Kreq Phantasmal Quasar

    Yes and No's are almost equally split
    that horse sucks moose eggs for almost 50% of us.

    This needs to be adressed, make it chosable between some more options.
    Pingeh and ObsidianDragon13 like this.
  17. Magmarashi

    Magmarashi Cosmic Narwhal

    44.6%, actually. Of the...186 of us who have voted.

    Of the over 200k people who pre-ordered through playstarbound.com + However many have bought in through Steam or shared in a multi-pack purchase.

    Addressing the concerns of less than .1% of the userbase is a bit of an unreasonable demand.
  18. Mackerel II

    Mackerel II Void-Bound Voyager

    I think it's awesome and totally fits by not quite making sense. They are called glitch after all. I don't know the backstory but I imagine their biological 'fathers' were wiped out by disease millenia ago and so the glitch were plunged into a new dark age. And they are clinging to distant memories of the past that have become gradually eroded and confused.

    I think perhaps all the argument about whether the hoorse ai fits is caused by a misunderstanding of who the glitch are. I think they're not some serious super mean mechanised army but infact a little lost. but we'll just have to wait and see. There is a plan y'know? Don't kick up a fuss just cos it's not what you personally wanted. It's not all that serious, if you wnt that then play another race... this way the races can be more varied rather than ll having to be 'cool'.

    Sorry long..
    TheNameless likes this.
  19. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    im sure if a few months no one will care....probably when other ships are usable for all races
  20. Magmarashi

    Magmarashi Cosmic Narwhal

    They were part of a grand experiment dealing with how societies build and change over time, they're called the Glitch because they got stuck in a medieval european society and decided that was the apex of culture while all the others advanced to the point of wiping themselves out. This is a rough summation of the official Glitch lore.

    Fun Fact, Medieval Europe was full of randomly putting breasts and dicks on everything they could with flimsy excuse, so Horsetana is fairly accurate!

    Dying of the Plague was also a popular past time!
    Azahiel and ObsidianDragon13 like this.
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