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Glitch/bug at beginning of game

Discussion in 'Support' started by The Legend of Jonnii, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. I didn't think to bring it up until someone reminded me on Steam and I do not know how common the issue is but when I first arrived after the bus stop and Robin takes you to the farm I hit a glitch/bug where as soon as we loaded in to the farm area my character just up and bolted across the screen forcing me to miss the intro from the Mayor. Don't know how important the intro was since I missed it but it is kind of a bummer to know I missed some stuff xP It shows up in my lets play video around 3:50 if you want to see want I am talking about. I thought originally that it was part of the game like the character gets all excited or something but five minutes later and he never came back xP

    Again the bug is around 3:50
    • The | Suit

      The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

      Not really sure why you need so many tags, so I removed them.
      Also not really sure why you are reporting a bug under suggestions forum. Moved to Support.
      • My apologies I am new here D: I made another post in this discussion board if someone wants to delete it. I couldn't figure out how .-.
        • ConcernedApe

          ConcernedApe Stardew Valley Dev Developer

          This should have been fixed in the last build, let me know if it's not.

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