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Gindew's Home Wares [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Outdated Mods' started by Gindew, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    im sick of the wooden sink, i am removing it today and redoing it
  2. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

  3. RaginCajun

    RaginCajun Phantasmal Quasar

    Hey Gindew are we allowed to ask for requests of things we'd like to see?
    Gindew likes this.
  4. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah! it would really help if i knew what people wanted :D
  5. RaginCajun

    RaginCajun Phantasmal Quasar

    For me your mod adds like classical home feel. It also makes me want to make a tea cafe. This is a pretty expansive list so don't feel the need to do the whole thing. It's just and idea.

    Signs that say Cafe in classical and cutesy letters. Also maybe like one of those iron bar ones where the sign hangs on it outside
    Big Cabinet with tea cups and assorted things in it.
    Little boxes of tea to set around.
    More appliances (microwaves, dishwasher etc.)

    And something that might evolve your mod a little from furniture and more into the Home mod
    Kitchen tileset
    Bathroom tilesets
    Cafe tileset

    Small Edit: If anything is animated to bring it to life +1000 bonus points.
    crazygreggy and Gindew like this.
  6. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    Here is my first try at a texture for a Tea Cabinet. i might make it darker

    Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 21.00.58.png
  7. RaginCajun

    RaginCajun Phantasmal Quasar

    Thats actually pretty good for your first try. It seems to be stuck in the middle though. I'd scrunch it up and make it a bit longer and put a glass cover over the front of it. Then you could hang it on your ceiling. For one on the floor it should be big. Like people store their china in. But I'm really liking the style.

    Edit: http://mattandshari.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/Decorating_chinacabinet_china11.jpg
    Like that except with teacups and stuff.
    Gindew likes this.
  8. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    crazygreggy likes this.
  9. RaginCajun

    RaginCajun Phantasmal Quasar

    Your awesome! haha
    Gindew likes this.
  10. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    I have a load of items which i am adding in Part 2 of 2.6, which will be released Sat/Sun
  11. RaginCajun

    RaginCajun Phantasmal Quasar

    I look forward to it then Gindew.
  12. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    Would like dye station support for this. Recoloring means more utility.
  13. RaginCajun

    RaginCajun Phantasmal Quasar

    So shortly before my current multiplayer server went kaput I got to try out the things you made. The sign was exactly how I'd imagined it haha. The cabinet was also fantastic. You really improved upon the first design. Trying to solve some bug issues before I start playing again and load back up my multiplayer server.
    Gindew likes this.
  14. crazygreggy

    crazygreggy Phantasmal Quasar

    Gindew , this mod is coming along so well . Really happy with the direction you're taking . All the best and here's hoping that someone will make a set of Coffee merchants and Tea ladies to work in a Cafe/Tea room .
    Gindew likes this.
  15. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    That would probably involve incorporating the Coffee/Tea/Caffeine mods into this mod, then borrowing some merchant coding (particularly Bartender NPCs from my BetterMerchants) and spawners too.

  16. crazygreggy

    crazygreggy Phantasmal Quasar

    Wondered about how feasible it would be to make use of your Merchants mod Mackinz . I'm thinking that unless some method of setting NPC AI so that they remain at a set location ( behind a counter for eg . ) or use the AI of the vanilla Avian Merchants who wander and then quickly return to a set location when the player approaches . What would you suggest ?
  17. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    In a separate Mod folder i have been testing some Merchant/NPC things, i will hopefully get them to work so i can add them. :)
    crazygreggy likes this.
  18. crazygreggy

    crazygreggy Phantasmal Quasar

    AH ! Nice . Glad to hear this as I feel it would be particularly good especially with the whole Cafe vibe . Maybe a tea trolley also ?
    Gindew likes this.
  19. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

  20. LC12K

    LC12K Void-Bound Voyager

    I can't find it in the 3D Printer. :(
    Gindew likes this.
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