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Generated Slopes

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 23, 2012.

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  1. Ketoth

    Ketoth Phantasmal Quasar

    do the balloons have physics or do they just go straight
    Zman12380 likes this.
  2. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Then what if You poison the water ?
  3. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    They're affected by gravity, yes. It's sort of a joke/test projectile. There are two types of projectile. Ones that are client side and others that are server side. The water cannon was made to implement and test on destruction effects and server side projectiles. Dunno if it's going to make it into the game. It's a bit OP.
  4. I can tell. Imagine filling them balloons with smelly gas. Automatic morale reducing "stun grenade", dear lord.
    LastDay likes this.
  5. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I disagree!
    What can be more fun than playing water-balloon tag in space?
  6. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    exploding waterballoons in someone's face because of the presure.
  7. ranmafan

    ranmafan Big Damn Hero

    Filling the water with pathogens and flooding your (soon to be former) friend's space-station-house with it, so the moment he opens the airlock he's drowned in plaguewater.

    Then dropping the space station onto his homeworld.

  8. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sounds fun but:
  9. ranmafan

    ranmafan Big Damn Hero

    Awww yeah, I forgot about that. =(

    One can dream though, no? But it seems we've gone quite OT.
  10. hazzary453

    hazzary453 Big Damn Hero

    the slopes look like they will be great, also how many of these tools will be in the release of starbound?
  11. DakkonMartel

    DakkonMartel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have a question about the physics in the game. I noticed that the slopes are represented by lines in the image, and I also noticed that there re lines bordering the person. Does this mean that you can stand on players heads and slide off if you are too far to the left or right on the top? Also does this mean that you cant walk past a player, that you will need to jump over them to pass them? thanks for your time.
  12. Garish Gnome

    Garish Gnome Void-Bound Voyager

    That's the character collider. It's there to test for boundaries relative to the player character like the ground and walls as well as things like bullet hit detection. Notice that it sits perfectly on top of the collider for the platform. It also has angles on its corners so smooth movement up slopes is possible.

    I doubt that character colliders will interact with one another. So, no, there likely won't be any jumping on heads or blocking other players paths.
  13. EvilEye

    EvilEye Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm wondering if you plan to have sloped dirt blocks, which would be a right triangle (the way the block faces would be based on which side the elevated block is on) and they would function exactly like when your character automatically goes up one elevation without jumping. These blocks would just replace the current blocks that cause this stair stepping effect
    [Don't feel like making a suggestion thread]
  14. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    We aren't planning on making sloped blocks because it breaks the tile based look. (Which we find to be rather charming.)
    Breather and Seahorse like this.
  15. omegablue

    omegablue Void-Bound Voyager

    Lol first thing i saw 2, it looks really cool.
  16. DakkonMartel

    DakkonMartel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    well i figured if you kept walking towards a player you would be pushing them. That mechanic could be useful.
  17. bartwe

    bartwe Code Cowboy

    Minecraft much ? :)
    Trouble is that in a 2d world you only have 1 dimension left to pass other players.
  18. Astroniomix

    Astroniomix Subatomic Cosmonaut

    TLB likes this.
  19. Ephexis

    Ephexis Cosmic Narwhal


    besides, imagine you and a friend are exploring a cave and you need to go past your buddy and he/she needs to go in the opposite direction(to go drop some things off at base or do whatever) and you both can't get by(btw there's only enough space to walk back and forth and not enough jumping space to go over each other unless you both dig some blocks out of the way(not to mention that could get irritating):confused:

    i think that just walking by/through another player is fine just like in terraria
    unless pvp is turned on then it could possibly be useful(pushing someone into lava or something)
  20. MahBucket

    MahBucket Cosmic Narwhal

    1 Fishaxe
    1 Fishaxe
    1 Fishaxe <-- I like the sound of that. :p
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