Modding Help Game crashes when I try to use my race?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by GamecubeKing, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. GamecubeKing

    GamecubeKing Void-Bound Voyager

  2. Black--snow

    Black--snow Cosmic Narwhal

    My friend and I are working on a race of Cybernetic Snow Pirates, it seems to do this as well, though I'm not sure if it's the exact same error.
  3. SciDragon

    SciDragon Void-Bound Voyager

    I've found that error means that some config file is pointing to a file or a directory that doesn't exist, which causes problems. Look through your config files to see if everything matches up properly.
  4. MorpH

    MorpH Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Your error is here, use starbound.log when you are making mods and get errors, it is VERY helpful when things go wrong.
      "refreshInterval" : 2.0,
      "initialquests" : {
        "glitch" : [ "glitchtutorial.gearup" ],
        "human" : [ "humantutorial.gearup" ],
        "avian" : [ "aviantutorial.gearup" ],
        "apex" : [ "apextutorial.gearup" ],
        "floran" : [ "florantutorial.gearup" ],
        "hylotl" : [ "hylotltutorial.gearup" ],
        "lopian" : [ "ursinetutorial.gearup" ]  >> change it to lopiantutorial.gearup <<
  5. GamecubeKing

    GamecubeKing Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, thank you! That's what I needed.

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