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Bug/Issue Game Crashes when buying livestock

Discussion in 'Mac / Linux Bug Reports' started by Draconic_Cat, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. Draconic_Cat

    Draconic_Cat Phantasmal Quasar

    When I went to Marnie's ranch to try and buy an animal, the game would jump to my farm, as it does so that you can choose where to put the critter, and then it crashed before giving me a chance to scroll around my farm. I replicated this bug with all 5 of the 7 livestock types I have unlocked; everything but pigs and sheep. I was in full screen mode, and didn't test in windowed.
    I was unable to find my crashlogs or buildID, unfortunately.
    I'm using macOS Mojave, Version 10.14.3.
    I'll be able to check the windows version soon and I will update the thread with results when I can.
    • Draconic_Cat

      Draconic_Cat Phantasmal Quasar

      Update: the windows version does not have this bug.

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