Modding Help Game Crash

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by biroman, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. biroman

    biroman Void-Bound Voyager

    When I sellect the gun I modded inside the anvil to craft it, the game just crash. No errors.

    Any idea what I can do?
  2. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    same here any help anyone?
  3. Princeofmar5

    Princeofmar5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    First things first, check the log file.
  4. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    Where is that?
  5. Princeofmar5

    Princeofmar5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    It's somewhere in there based on what OS you use.
  6. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    i cant find it
  7. Princeofmar5

    Princeofmar5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's not in assets or If you use linux, it's in one of those folders. Otherwise check the main folder or win32
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  8. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    it should be call "starbound.log"
  9. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    ok i found it but its just filled with load of texts do i copy it all or....
  10. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

  11. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    naaa just pick the last line when you read error (at around 3/4 end of the wall of text)
  12. Princeofmar5

    Princeofmar5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    All I could see is it looks like a player file is corrupted and something called power causes an issue.
  13. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    i searched up the gun name which is firstgun and its not there?
  14. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    do you had the fonction power to the gun himself?
  15. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    Here is the gun i made.

    Attached Files:

  16. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    it gonna take a bit of time, modifying it for mod folders
  17. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    Sorry i dont understand? its going to take you a long time to figure out or.....
  18. crusender

    crusender Space Penguin Leader

    it is bc i gonna make it for not overwrite my game folders so when i test it more faster.

    edit : and dont need to change my player.config
  19. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    you said you found an error with the bullet, did you delete that post?
  20. UnseenPrecision

    UnseenPrecision All Chuck Norris backward gets you is Sirron Kcuhc

    ohh ok

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