Just to let you know (and im not following you, I just like to try and help anyone who I can, you just happen to have a lot of issues), if you just copy and pasted the files into the already existing mod file and telling the computer to overwrite any files will cause errors. On your end you probably need to delete the entire galactic shops mod and then place the files into the mod folder because between the updates the files may have changed names but may still use the same in-game identity of an old file (aka two different files with different names exist but the code states these files as the same item in the game). If that doesn't work then it is the game's fault.
Haha, I know, and yes, I do have a LOT of problems. Like, more problems than anyone should possibly have with these things. I will copy and paste it in again, without the other version in. Now that I think about it, that does make a lot more sense. Thanks for the help once again! =P Edit: It worked!
Anyone have any idea why I might be missing some kind of DNAPLANT item or somesuch? The error kicked up in game and didn't result in a crash, but rather me being booted back to the main menu... but I'm really quite curious as to what it could be about. I get it whenever I try to access the shop above the clothing shop, so it's got to be something that's sold there, right? Meh... I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.
You can find recipe files for dnaplants in \Galactic Shops by Tremerion\recipes\furnitureshop so you can delete them, cut out or whatever. This should fix your problem. BTW. I do not know why this error occurs for some people
I'm not sure, either, except perhaps an update has removed this particular plant? Anyway, I actually found the file shortly after posting this and edited it... after which everything's working flawlessly. It's an ugly plant anyway, so I don't feel too bad about losing it!
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: 4.1.2 (up to Steam version) Read the rest of this update entry...
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: 4.1.5 (1.3 update) Read the rest of this update entry...
I will investigate this. But this is strange. Cause now mod uses custom made config files for warping/teleporting. Vanilla files are untouched.
is possible put it in mission menu like frackin universe? lateral bar is working is the only way to use the mech with the mod. Mod On Mod OFF
Maybe something is messing with bookmakrs. I will unlock mech on my test admin character and see. Maybe turning off bookmarks in GM teleporters will do the trick. I could place GM bookmarks in Mission menu through an object, but thing with this is that: when you delete mod, your ship's computer will give you forever errors on that char, making it unusable
Tested it. For me there is no conflict. Deploy mech works normaly. I laned onto planet. Did you deleted completly previous mod folder or just placed new one onto old? If you not deleted old one completly, then old teleporter patch config gives you this bug.
i delete the folder, maybe other mod is doing this... but i put a lot.. find is hard now... =/ well the side bar is working, so, is not a real problem, if other mod is the problem and the update solve, i come back to told you, thanks! =D
Steam is giving errors when uploading. I tried reupload. Still the same shit. So nothing for Steam now.
Tremerion updated Galactic Shops with a new update entry: 4.1.6 Read the rest of this update entry...