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Furry Friendly Starbound Server (Modpack Updated 4/7/2015, Races, Music, Improvements and more!)

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by Snowpup, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Oddbrother

    Oddbrother Cosmic Narwhal

    I put more of the mods in modpak files to speed up loading times in addition to fixing up the issues that have been reported so far. This also includes the Kineptic race.


    Forgive me for my OCD on this.
    Snowpup likes this.
  2. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    Wow that's amazing and it seems to work well for startup. Of course the issues before with Kineptic might arise again in the live push but hopefully not.

    Thank you a lot for this, very concise and kind. ^^
  3. jfmherokiller

    jfmherokiller Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    if we get rid of the creative mod can we atleast keep the creative flying also I think the chat mod is missing from the packed list.
  4. itsapainfulworld

    itsapainfulworld Yeah, You!

    Can't decide. To salvage my house and whatnot for the new universe, or start my character over. :/
  5. Blastaway

    Blastaway Cosmic Narwhal

    You can salvage your house, reconstruct it in your personal universe/galaxy, then use it as a template to reconstruct it in the new universe.

    Just an idea.
  6. Oddbrother

    Oddbrother Cosmic Narwhal

    Take a picture, it’ll last longer.
  7. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Can't we just bookmark the world and ask Snow to re-add the planet after the universe wipe?
  8. Kenkaruto

    Kenkaruto Void-Bound Voyager

    If the world was corrupted, then no. It'd make the Universe Reset pointless
  9. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    Precisely. I don't know what worlds are corrupted and what aren't. We are starting completely 100% fresh for stability reasons.
  10. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    I see. That makes sense then. Well, at least we can download the planets we have bookmarked.
  11. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    Until the 11th yes. At that point the plugin will only work for new bookmarks.
  12. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Either the server committed suicide or the universe wipe is happening really early. Likely the prior.

    EDIT: Yeah, I verified on the online chat thing. The server's down right now.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
  13. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    Alright, the universe and bookmarks have been wiped, and the new modpack Graciously compiled by OddBrother has been uploaded.

    Please redownload the modpack, delete all the previous mods and place in the new modpack.

    The only changes were the removal of the chat extension and addition of the Kineptic race.
  14. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    I've been hearing that there's gonna be another reset on the 19th. Is this true? I said I doubted it because you were looking for a new spawn, but I still want to verify.
  15. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    This is untrue.

    Also sorry for the downtime, we're doing a bit of maintenance atm since it hung up and it's (in)convenient that it happened when we needed to make a few changes.

    We should be online shortly.

    Edit: We're back online~
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2014
  16. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    Are we having parent server issues? It's lagging and disconnecting a bunch of people periodically, as in massive lagspikes and kicking people from the game.
  17. Kenkaruto

    Kenkaruto Void-Bound Voyager

    If it was still available, we could.
  18. fafeman

    fafeman Pangalactic Porcupine

    I can't use /goto for some reason, nor /spawn. I also can't use protect commands, so I'm very confused.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
  19. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    Sorry for the extended downtime, we are back up.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2014
  20. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    Hopefully these issues are rectified. Let me know if you're still having issues.

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