Full RGB scale for character creation?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Britefire, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Well it answered a different question: "How?"
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  2. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    we have currently determined that we cannot Code it with Legos, Ma'am!
    Spirittis, Mokunen and WoxandWarf like this.
  3. I don't care I want it done no- what?! Are you serious? Grab all the 3x2 blocks you can find, cut off some of the painful parts and use it to create Braille. Using this braille, translate it into code. Now zoom in on that flat 1x2 and notice that blood stain which I can see with my naked eye, yet you can barely see with a microscope that can zoom in x15000 and still see clearly.
  4. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    wait, false alarm.
    apparently my team on the ground got megablox instead of legos.
    I've already ordered both their execution and a new team.
    we should experience only minimal delay.
    Spirittis and WoxandWarf like this.
  5. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    -backs truck up with gallons of every color in paint form- this should be enough to begin the color process correct
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  6. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    not by half.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  7. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    -begins to signal for helicopters to be lowered carrying tons worth of each and every color- I hope this is enough to be a start
  8. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    We will probably need the space station to beam down supplies if we want enough colors...

    *Opens communications device, not at all ripping off star trek in the process.*
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  9. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    *Dooda la doo* "Enterprise here." "Alpha Rainbow Tanker here what's up?"
    "Right, A.R.T. is firing down a wave of color now."
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  10. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    No.. but it is highly amusing, anyway... uh where were we...?
    We talked about why.. how..
    What crazy things would you guys make yours look like if it was available as opposed to being selection options?
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  11. SomaSam

    SomaSam Big Damn Hero

    So, I already made a similar thread (though not as much traffic), but I agree either way.

    However I think a color pallet/wheel with a saturation slider would be more user friendly, with an option to use both RGB sliders and presets as well.

    Edit: something similar to what Enlightened Grue posted a couple pages back.
  12. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    well, we're pretty much just announcing our support for the idea right now.
    we've exhausted all the "how we can do it" without actually doing it for the devs (without even seeing the current starbound code to integrate it properly)
    Mokunen and WoxandWarf like this.
  13. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    I'm just gunna agree with the majority of the thread here.
    Just because I don't enjoy being black, but a specific single shade above black.

    But yeah, more customization the better, especially in a game like this.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  14. Knight9910

    Knight9910 Existential Complex

    Well, since the thread has derailed anyway... I'd like to talk to you about God. *runs from the coming flame war*
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  15. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    I doubt there would be a flame war, many members are very mild mannered.
    Well if you had access to an RGB what would your character look like?
    Would they be lime green? Pink? Orange? RAINBOW-Idk?
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  16. Knight9910

    Knight9910 Existential Complex

    My character will look like this:

  17. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    lol nice one, I'm a little impressed that you would go hunting through the whole game for a single wand.
  18. Pergatory

    Pergatory Space Spelunker

    I think another how to implement it would be to just add a button beside each of the color presets that allows the RGB/HSV to temporarily replace the other color changers and allow you to fine tune the one specific color.
    <- Undy Color -> █
    <- Hair Color -> █
    <- Shirt Color -> █
    <- Pants Color -> █
    Which then transforms it to this:
    HSV/RGB Slider Mode for (Undy or Hair, or Shirt, or Pants depending on what was selected) █
    [Hue/Red Slider]
    [Saturation/Green Slider]
    [Value/Blue slider]

    I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement this via code as I can barely do anything with C++ but my understanding is anything is possible.

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