I've reworked over my last edit in an attempt to get my trees closer to a vanilla game. Maybe some of you prefer this kind. DOWNLOAD V2 I will keep up the old info as well. All below is from the original V1 post. It always kinda bugged me how square these were so here’s a little edit to my personal tastes. o/ DOWNLOAD HERE Place into >Stardew Valley\Content\TileSheets Don't forget to backup your originals! You can find my mods first on Tumblr. Feel free to use my edits/textures elsewhere as long as you credit, and please enjoy!
I really like these. They are simply adorable! I am currently using Syia's fruit trees with signs mod. Is there a way to make theso two compatible with each other? Or some guide I can read use to try to figure out how to do it myself?
I was actually thinking about this a bit... You should be able to do it with basic XML editing and a little photoshop. This was my first time doing it, but there are excellent tutorials on the forums! I might someday come back and add signs though, but I don't want to promise! Thanks everyone, by the way!
Do you think you may do the extra trees from the more crops mod like this as well? I'd like to use your trees but it would make some of trees from the more crops mod seem out of place.
I saw someone asked so here's your mod combined with the signs. Thanks for this, they look way better!
Made a compatibility version of this and the sign mod too. weird we both did it at the same time.. lol I made some other edits to things I thought were a little out of place like roots in front of the sign and some leaf discolourations/alignment; and here's a preview: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbcu1ai6522ye2e/Fruit Tree with Signs Reshaped Compatibility Patch.rar?dl=0
@Kintsy and @Kronix420 , thank you both! I admit I had not gotten around to getting Photoshop or learning how to use it. So thank you both for doing the combination and sharing it with everyone. Now I don't have to choose between the two anymore. ^_^ @Chisami , I was using your trees in game already and they look adorable! I really love how they match the shape of the maple and oak trees.
This one https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbcu1ai65...h Signs Reshaped Compatibility Patch.rar?dl=0 All trees look ok with original Chisami's work Just only orange tree from Reshaped+Signed version look weird with white pixel
My Apologies. I think that was my fault. Download the other version if you can;t wait but I will fix asap.