Fruit trees haven't grown up in A YEAR?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gwenlactica, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. gwenlactica

    gwenlactica Aquatic Astronaut

    Honestly I can't figure out what I did wrong here, practically tried everything I can think of...even watered the surrounding 8 tiles for a bit. But nothing.

    Here's how I planted first two trees, the rest are just same below these two. They are just under the road to town in front of the house.

    Can somebody please tell me how to fix this? Thanks in advance!
    • Mr. V

      Mr. V Big Damn Hero

      It might also be possible that if they are too close to the little pre-made path it's disrupting their growth. I think the safest thing is to do exactly as Ancev said, just make sure there is absolutely nothing around them, even paths.
      • gwenlactica

        gwenlactica Aquatic Astronaut

        Thanks guys, though only one of the trees is near the path, but none of them is growing at the moment...I'll go check for acorns & stuff
        • scoutcc15

          scoutcc15 Subatomic Cosmonaut

          My trees took way longer than 28 days to grow. If it hasn't grown in a full year though it seems like something isn't right.
          • Faeryheart

            Faeryheart Weight of the Sky

            Did you till the earth around them? I think that stops them from growing
            • gwenlactica

              gwenlactica Aquatic Astronaut

              OMG I think you're right! I pickaxed the tilled ground around the trees and they started to grow! Thank you!
                Iffydust and Faeryheart like this.
              • Faeryheart

                Faeryheart Weight of the Sky

                You're welcome, glad I could help :3
                • kingjoshington

                  kingjoshington Void-Bound Voyager

                  Oh! I didn't know this either! I placed paths in the ground all around the trees because I wanted to make a pretty, stone lined path but the trees haven't grown at all. I just thought they were growing slowly but the sprites haven't changed since I planted them. Thanks for this!

                  Question: After the tree is fully grown, can you then place path-tiles around the base of the tree? Will this stop fruit from growing?
                    Faeryheart likes this.
                  • Efa43

                    Efa43 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    After they are fully grown, they are fine. You can put paths around them safely.
                    • kingjoshington

                      kingjoshington Void-Bound Voyager

                      Thank you! Now I feel so dumb ... I've had them for so long! I'll just wait and watch them grow ... but I'm sad I'll not have spring fruit before my 3rd year :(

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