Spring, Wed. 10 around 10pm, In front of the Fishing Shack on the Docks, Current weather: Rain I was fishing at the Docks since I had nothing better to do, and I saw a weird happening. It looked like a fish or frogman swimming from under the fishing shack and going out to sea. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen in too, could have just been a little easter egg of a Lovecraftian Deep one, but I'm not sure.
You are not alone, and I'm glad it wasn't just me being sleep deprived when I saw it while fishing one day. Edit: yee boi 2 spoopy
Well...I'm concerned about my mental state, because when I saw that screenshot I thought of Navy Seals first before movie monster. ...either way could be terrifying though
Actually Wizard, during the Luau, talks to you about the Merfolk ... that they are curious about humans,. but unhappy about the garbage they leave in the oceans
SO MUCH THIS. You have no idea how much I cringe every time I come near the sewer gates and see that refuse just drip out into the ocean. I'm no hardcore treehugger, but I am very environmentally aware and to someone like me, it just makes me a tad uncomfy. In the future, I hope we could use our own wealth to better Pelican Town--and my first order of business would be to fix up the sewage problem. Maybe the merfolk would be friends with me then
Might already be a part of the game CA confirmed there are hidden things yet to discover, one possibility is that they're tied to year markers, 20-30-50. Perhaps things change? Not likely, but there's only one way to find out
idk if the sewer problem will ever be fixed, lol, because you can catch the legendary, Mutant Fish, in that sewer, and the cute little shadow man lives inside. I think the kappa looking frogman is one of the merfolks... I kinda wish the game has more grander quests to accentuate some story line... lol
Holy smokes ! Experiement 746 Escaped the labs ! ... U hhhh I mean...Gee Look its swamp thing...-whistles innocently then runs away- Swamp thing get it....