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RELEASED FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  2. Senpai Deviljo

    Senpai Deviljo Cosmic Narwhal

    oooo the altherium fist had been debuted. Now i would like to see (not rushing or expected) in some new hand cannons or improved and/or some new striker. because i'm doing a play through where my character uses fist like weapon. Fun but tough. Anyway GJ with the update always making it more fun to play. i would insert a happy face here but i'm to lazy and too picky.
  3. ultimasin

    ultimasin Space Hobo

    how or where can I get fu as a pak?
  4. ultimasin

    ultimasin Space Hobo

    I ask for a pak file cus the folder option is not working for me. I got it as a zipped from chucklefish mods. the character extender mod I have works,but when I add the fu folder into the mods folder, the program opens briefly, then closes on the load screen
  5. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Eeenope. Still same issue.

    See, it's because Github recognizes case difference, but most OS don't. I've screenshotted your file structure:
    See, you've uploaded doubles. When the user download them, they stay intact until they unpack, but then try to unpack in the same folder.
  6. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    No. Pak it yourself with a pak maker. I update too often to constantly pak things. What race is your issue with? a log might help.

    well, not sure what to do about that. I have the *master copy* and the files are not present on my end. Github, for whatever reason, is adding extra files that no longer exist in the master. The actual list you posted above looks fine. those are the native folder setups for the various mods ive had to include patches for to make sail operate properly. The doubles are their own thing. Rather annoying, but not sure what I can really do about it.
  7. Khioni

    Khioni Pangalactic Porcupine

    Make sure you're not getting a root folder duplication when you extract the mod.
    Extracting the zip file directly tends to do that for such mods, unless you use a tool that automatically eliminates "root folder duplication" for you.

    The file directory should be .../mods/FrackinUniverse-5.6.244/
    Extracting the zip file itself tends to cause root folder duplication, making it .../mods/FrackinUniverse-5.6.244/FrackinUniverse-5.6.244/ (which is wrong)

    If the folder directory is correct, and you're still crashing, then upload the starbound.log file.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2018
  8. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    The doubles are definitely present on your end, at least as far as "your end" includes your Github account. That's where I got the screenshot, after all. It's a screenshot of your Master. And downloading the Master brings the same doubles.

    You have folders that has the same name as other folders at the same location, only differentiating by capitalization. These exist on Github. Apparently Github uses full case sensitivity with file names, which is why it recognizes the folders "aviantechstationTier0" and "aviantechstationtier0" as two separate and legitimate folders. Since Windows doesn't use full case sensitivity, it thus tries to unpack the files to the same folder, and asks to overwrite.

    You need to either delete any redundant files and folders, or at least rename them to something that doesn't cause confusion. It's poor coding practice, anyway.
  9. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    The entire mod, on *my end* contains none of that crap. It is exactly what I upload to github. There is nothing at all in my files that look anything like the issue at hand. This is entirely on the git side of things, and im not sure why it would contain folders I have not even added on my end in the first place. It's a bit weird that it is doing it and pretty much *only* for the avali folder. There's nothing for me *to* delete on my end.
    Boshed likes this.
  10. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Uh, if there's a duplicate folder with duplicate files, why not just delete the duplicate on your end? Can't be that hard, right? And besides, the OS itself shouldn't even allow that anyways, it should stick a (1) after the folder's name?
  11. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    Looks like the Scripted S.A.I.L. author was the one who pushed the lowercase ones when adding the compat patches.
  12. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    even so, the master doesnt have them....so why the hell does git?
  13. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    The patches inside are the same. Perhaps the Git client auto-merges the folders at the user's end?
  14. endertrot

    endertrot Cosmic Narwhal

    How does the assembly line work?
  15. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    item you want to duplicate in the labeled slot

    ingredients to make it in the other slots below that.

    power it

  16. Legogod

    Legogod Cosmic Narwhal

    Assembly Line is the Tier 2 FU armor crafting station. The Manufacturing Station, however, is the basic autocrafting object that has all you need to know in it's tooltip.

    Hm. If new replies spill over to a new page, there won't be a notification.
  17. ultimasin

    ultimasin Space Hobo

    hey sayter while I have you on this thread, I want to thank you for your reply and second tell you how much I appreciate your work. literally downloaded steam and bought starbound for frackin universe. the game alone lacks too much for its concept. also, just throwing this out there, are there any dead space themed encounters? where u come across an abandoned ship that's been infested with aliens, and possible rescue missions added to those ships. like from aliens or from the movie sunshine. if u haven't seen sunshine, u gotta see it.
  18. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I never got through sunshine. It was slow and boring and I lost patience. Many have suggested I give it a second go, but eh.

    I'd not mind doing more ship-based encounters, but currently nothing exists quite like what you are discussing. There are two dozen other missions though.
  19. ultimasin

    ultimasin Space Hobo

    sadly yes, it does have a slow start but the final hour makes up for it. its such a twister man you gotta watch it. the entire movie comes together at the end, and then u will wanna watch it again just to pay more attention to the first boring hour. the reason why I want you to watch it is because it might inspire ideas for starbound :D I don't wanna spoil it for u but your quote "end of time" is in there at a very intense and crucial scene. please watch it.
  20. Umbra420

    Umbra420 Cosmic Narwhal

    I find that the erchius buddy is just too good for what it does, and I may have a solution if you're willing to hear me out.

    So the erchius buddy is a tiny version of an actual erchius ghost, right? And it keeps the bigger ghosts away and makes you immune to their damage. You know what else keeps other ghosts away? The presence of an erchius ghost, since you only ever see once on your screen at any normal given moment. And they damage you if you get too close. Since the presence of an erchius ghost, albeit a smaller one, keeps the others away that harm you, should it not stand to reason that there should be some minor draining drawback to wearing or having a smaller ghost that's close-enough to touch you?

    I propose a very minimal health drain while wearing the erchius buddy and possibly an increase in recipe expensiveness, perhaps add in erchius crystals into the recipe or something.

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