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RELEASED FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. fernworrier

    fernworrier Giant Laser Beams

    quick question on the item routers. how do i stop them from putting water in the output slots of the gas centrifuge? i just can't figure it out and yes i have tried looking at youtube for help.
  2. dualinfinities

    dualinfinities Pangalactic Porcupine

    there's a slot whitelist GUI in the top left, type the slot you want it to output to and click the button to add it to the whitelist. you can use the "I" button to invert it to a blacklist instead, which will prevent the specified slotsfrom being output to, and permit all others. the slots start at one, b/c people with no programming knowledge.
    freddy72nz and Albirei like this.
  3. Croicjacker

    Croicjacker Yeah, You!

    Hey I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I am having a very weird bug, some of the FU creatures cannot jump or even move up one block, I do not know why this is and have not been able to find anyone else with as similar problem. It was very disappointing as I had captured a few of the bosses and found that they could not jump and were thus, worthless. Forgive the strong words, this mod is incredible, really really good job, as a pretty experienced modder; once I opened up the files to attempt to diagnose my issue I can see how much work has been put into this, and I can tell you it shows! My favorite thing are the little mining drones you put in, so helpful! And those freaky atropus worlds, literally disgusting! The atmospherics on those worlds are spot on.

    Edit: Added Starbound.Log (I have not used Pastebin before so let me know if its not right) I believe it could be an ai problem maybe? As when I opened up the mod I didn't see anything different about the movement in the .monster files, ie. they were programmed to jump, yet didn't jump, I feel that something is conflicting as I think a mod creator as good as you would notice something like this.

    Another strange thing I have had (Honestly I just avoid it completely once I notice it, but thought I should bring it up) is sometimes I get like a million bees, as this is a mod you integrated in, I do not know how much you can do about it. The problem starts when the game spawns more than two or three mother bees in an area and these 4 - 7+ bees spawn dozens of little ones basically reducing the game to pudding. Its not a big deal for me as My comp is pretty good and I just warp out and there are so many planets if 1 or 2 are not accessible it doesn't matter. I wanted to let you know anyways as players with a lower spec computer would likely freeze or crash from the situation I described above and I believe FU is still the master controller of spawning behavior.

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
  4. Dae When I Goat

    Dae When I Goat Big Damn Hero

    Im Kinda Stuck Here Somewhere as After Installation the Game Wont Work.
    I mean Really Wont Work. I Opened Starbound Then ChuckleFish Appears Then Game Closes.
    Game Works Again Right After Removing the Mod.......
    SOOOOO....... Yeahhh........
  5. Umbra420

    Umbra420 Cosmic Narwhal

    Is the mod up to date including the actual game and any mods that might tie in with FU?
    If yes post your starbound.log in pastebin so that people can have a more concrete understanding of your issue.
  6. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    log wasnt needed, as its not a "bug" per se. Which creature was it, firstly? You never once mention that. It's more than likely a simply matter of adjusting its collision box. However, not all creatures jump, nor do I care if every one is a great pet. Some simply won't ever be a great option. But, I can take a look at the mob in question if you tell me which one it is.

    and yea, bees spawn babies. some people get laggy, some dont. I've essentially reduced it as far as I can and still have it playable.
  7. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    well then, maybe you should follow the instructions that are *literally the first thing on the mods page on this site*. Until then I cannot (and will not ) help you.
  8. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    sayter updated FrackinUniverse with a new update entry:


    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Umbra420

    Umbra420 Cosmic Narwhal

    Is it just me or is the shadow and cosmic weapon item drop/spawn rates unusually high? Especially on low level planets. If it isn't actually higher than the rest, then well, RNG I guess.
  10. Croicjacker

    Croicjacker Yeah, You!

    It is many different animals, and so far as I can tell from opening the files it is almost every single one of the named walking mobs that FU added. The magma golem, the rock golem, the apex supermutant, the warbot, all of the dinosaurs/ raptors, etc. I think its not a huge deal if some animals don't work as pets however, it is really wonky to have these animals not be able to go up even one block. On most jungle like planets there are always groups of dinosaurs stuck in ditches and when I was fighting the warbot there was literally one block of dirt between it and I and it got stuck and I just stood at a distance and sniped. The smaller animals definitely should be fixed, however maybe the larger creatures should just appear in mini dungeons so the terrain is flat?

    Also I had a question, I LOVE LOVE the robot building mechanic you have added, its very good and works really well and is well balanced, its really a feature the base game should have had. I was trying to make an add on mod for personal use that added more robots to build and I could not for the life of me get the heavydrone or fuheavydrone to become friendly, I have not done much modding in Starbound, and I see that the mob is made of several "pieces" and has a script governing some its actions. I am not asking how to do such a thing (as an in depth explanation would take a while and you have other stuff to do) just if it is possible to make it friendly with just basic changes of the .monster or would I have to rewrite the creature and script completely? If so I will have to get better at modding this game before doing something more major like that.
  11. LaughingAlex

    LaughingAlex Ketchup Robot

    So I decided to mess with mechs again, and I can conclude that without the FU weapons added to mechs which are ludicrously OP(as in the FU mech weapons), mechs would have been the biggest pain in the butt grind I ever tried to take part with. Worst than pre-"loot 2.0" diablo 3 had, where you never got anything that was useful for your character kind of bad. I grinded for a few hours trying to get good weapons and got nothing other then guaranteed missile racks. I then grinded for a few more in the next tier never to ever get the critical engine upgrade to make combat in the next tier of anomolies and ships viable. I never, got, the engine upgrade, ever. So I was stuck thanks to my own IRL bad luck. It went from tedium to infuriating anger for me.

    Would it be possible for FU to add engines that are guaranteed with like, high metal techs? Engines are the "One stat to rule the rest" with mechs, litterally dictating how effectively a skilled mech pilot could dodge things, with speed being 100% proportionate; 1 speed is 1/5th as fast as 5 speed.


    i litterally got nothing but mech leg upgrades(which are useless for getting mech components), mech cannons and plasma drones and like near nothing else. I got one gatling gun schematic which isn't the most useful by itself(gatling guns are only good in close range due to poor accuracy), and I think one melee weapon(which is a bad idea with space mines). If it wasn't for the OP weapons again, I wouldn't have gotten 'anywhere' with mechs. But we need boosters which WILL NOT EVER DROP AND IT IS FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY BECAUSE STARBOUNDS DEVELOPERS WERE LAZY AND MADE A SKINNER BOX.

    Sigh. It'd be cool to see bodies, legs and boosters that were FU specific that didn't require a random-number-god schematic to drop.

    Edit: I never had this much trouble with schematics on test before they added extra weapons. In fact I got lots of booster schematics. It just angers me that starbounds developers seem to have made booster techs way, way rarer to make it artificially difficult to progress to higher tiers for no good reason. My experience was speed made a huge difference in mech playability once you got the engines upgraded, with the minimums for progressing in tiers in mechs being 2 speed for the harder, and getting speed to 3 for the extreme anomalies/ships(4-5 speed was something to upgrade to asap for extreme but 3 was adequete to get started).
  12. Umbra420

    Umbra420 Cosmic Narwhal

    I've gotten some FU mech parts recipes by crafting and/or finding materials alone.

    Not to mention the majority of mech stuff I've found come from raiding hostile ships, all praise the leitha fleet mech loot gold mine.
  13. The Observer

    The Observer Phantasmal Quasar

    Do the FU-specific space encounters.

    Many of them are deliberately packed with a good number of items, can be done without relying too much on your mech, and contain plenty of mech loot. Some setpieces have guaranteed blueprint drops coded into them.
  14. LaughingAlex

    LaughingAlex Ketchup Robot

    I'll try those, thanks. I have noticed and realized I got a lot more stuff from them when I found them. Amazing note of RNG-sillyness: I got the boosters I desperately needed in the very next space encounter I entered after posting the above post. Things have since become far more bearable again.
  15. Dominion V

    Dominion V Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey, just here to report an oversight. In the changelog it says that the brochure won't be in the ship locker and you also won't be able to craft it, and indeed it's not found in the ship locker but it's still available for crafting in the empty hand menu.
  16. adaxe

    adaxe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    When checking log file, I accidentally found a lot of errors like "[Warn] Crafting Info Display found non-existent item 'fuvinewall'".

    log file:
  17. Umbra420

    Umbra420 Cosmic Narwhal

    How feasible would a mega city planet be to add to the list of random planets? I'm not saying this should be added but if anyone's interested they can read through it.

    Basically the equivalent of earth when you start out, there are large(prebuilt to avoid any generation weirdness, I'm thinking basically anyone can contribute to the list if they want to) random buildings everywhere ranging from warehouses to office skyscrapers. The entire planet is shield protected(like how some dungeons are protected or the outpost for that matter) so you can't just dig a random hole in the street or damage the buildings for that matter except for the underground that you can access through the use of a random manholes that lead deep enough so you can then start digging to your heart's content.

    There are also no bad weather patterns(shields for the win) and no enemies except bandits(to simulate crime in that world) and those that you get from the biomes below ground. Basically it's a quest mega hub and an easy place to find an npc that you might want on your ship, there could also be sub types of mega cities for the different races if you want a specific type of city along with a mixed one if that's possible.

    I'm also thinking the spawn point for the planet should be a smallish building with a teleporter in it to simulate planet interconnectivity as well as several other stations around the planet to serve as bookmarks for the various points around it and easy accessibility to the npc's that you accepted quests from. There could be a section of above ground where you're allowed to build if you want to move there as well(or just build underground if that's not feasible).

    All in all I think it would make for quite an interesting planet, although the resources one would need to run that place without it being a lag-fest might be a little too high for the average user so maybe a sub biome to be added randomly to planets. I know the villages or settlements that you find in the game have the potential to already get quite expansive but my issue with them was how flat they were, definitely not the kind of height that you'd expect from space faring civilizations.
  18. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    I tried setting up an atmospheric collection base on a gas giant, but I'm only getting stuff from the general table.

    It's one of those gas planets with rostone and marestone islands, and flying mantas in the upper atmosphere.
  19. adaxe

    adaxe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Could someone give me a hint about secret areas in the Frozen Wastes?
    Under the nitrogen lake to the right of the outpost, I found a strange NPC when press alt, but falied to figure out a way to reach him. He looks the same as the NPC near the teleporter at the end of this dungeon.

    To the right of the secret boss, behind the cthulu statue, there is a passage way requiring micro sphere tech to enter. It seems to be a dead end. Is there any way to go further?
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
  20. Dominion V

    Dominion V Void-Bound Voyager

    Most of it is feasible, but it would involve a lot of time building stuff, and in honesty I don't think many people would spend much time in there unless you added secret locations or easter eggs to encourage exploration. You would need a wide assortment of "dungeons" which would be your buildings so that they don't repeat too often as well.

    I think it would be much easier to build an instanced location where you can decide what goes where and how, but the drawbacks are that anything you build would be wiped out the moment you left the area, and the random aspect would just be gone.

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