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RELEASED FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Sire Nukerre

    Sire Nukerre Big Damn Hero

    Imagine adding RANDOM ENCOUNTERS to long warp jumps... Geheh.
  2. LaughingAlex

    LaughingAlex Ketchup Robot

    I'd start by fine tuning some of the ones which don't drop anything. I encountered worms on mountainous planets who were neigh indestructible to 'everything' I had, they were fire resistant, electrical resistant, AND poison resistant(physical resistant to). And these were ones which didn't drop anything and seemed to be lower tier worms, and the most common ones encountered on it.

    I didn't have radiation or cosmic yet weapons, as it was early in the game. It was still a serious annoyance for me to an extreme. On the same planet I encountered worms which were weak to my electrical attack that I could kill quickly even with an ion rifle(2 electrical grenades= dead worm), likewise, yet worms which didn't drop anything took about 10 blasts from it's secondary. Worms which drop the good stuff should be the ones which are tougher, even then I'd still make sure some of them had weaknesses to some weapons. Having worms resistant to more then 3 things though is kinda overkill.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
    Zlyvr likes this.
  3. LaughingAlex

    LaughingAlex Ketchup Robot

    Oh yeah.

    Encountered enemies with the mobius rifles(the ones which leave slowing fire and high energy damage) on a glitch at a random location on a protocyte world. Even with reasonable armor for the tier they were still tearing my health faster then i could blink. Those weapons should be late tier only, even if I was a race resistant to electrical they'd have still been a bit to much.
  4. Narfkopp

    Narfkopp Phantasmal Quasar

    If this is such a big deal for your MP game, simply set the starting position for all players to the same planet. Problem solved. I don't even get why this is a problem. I'm happy about every new character that starts as far away as possible from the stuff my previous ones built. When I play with my brother, we make sure we start at the same location (his wish, given all the flag/teleport mechanics I never saw the neccessity there).

    Different opinions here, obviously. But calling design choices "stupid" rarely leads to the one who made that choice rethinking his choice. At least I'd be reasonably annoyed and certainly not in the mood to change anything.
  5. Hen

    Hen Big Damn Hero

    Today I read some of the old update entries and found that Custom Collection UI is now integrated in FU. Does this work with other mod collections, for example Lex Instrument Collection? So far, I didn't delete the original CCUI mod and had no issues.
  6. rylasasin

    rylasasin Cosmic Narwhal

    Yeah right now the problem with Borrowers is that they're EVERYWHERE. The occasional worm or two on extremely level planets (like atropus worlds or cybersphers or such) isn't much of a problem. I mean I'm seriously not sure why anyone would want to build anything on an atropus world to begin with (other than say a small atmospheric condenser array.) Same goes with a Cybersphere.

    Instead they're everywhere. Forest worlds, Chromatic worlds, Penumbra worlds, desert worlds, etc.

    As for your suggestion of turrets, unless you have the base "hovering" in the ground and have an "air moat" underneath it, turrets only work when they've already compromised the base and started causing trouble. And even then they're not that good at killing the things.

    What we need is something more proactive: possibly a powered device that works as a repeller for burrowers (either driving them away or causing a lot of damage very very quickly to them) that hits the ground repeatedly (or emits a sonic signal) to scare them away or damage them. Like the Thumpers in Half Life 2 used to scare away antlions. Or that radio device that scares away mirelurks in FO4 on spectacle island.
  7. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    whereas I'd start...and don't take this the wrong way, but I'd start...with the already buildable, functioning SHIELD GENERATOR which does indeed function properly if you know how to properly use it. It will protect your base without you doing anything afterwards. Ta-da.

    Well, it just makes me ignore the rest of his post. I stopped reading at "stupid". He'll either like the new changes I've made for the next update or he won't. Either way...I don't care. I'm working on a product the way I want. If I want the fuel tank to randomly shoot out penis-beasts that throw hand-grenades made of balls...so be it. lol
  8. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    yes, it should be
  9. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    sayter updated FrackinUniverse with a new update entry:

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. MrHoon

    MrHoon Void-Bound Voyager

    Great update, but it seems like I can't go to science lab on my previous save anymore :x

    Should I just post a log or is a restart recommended?

    I don't really mind it considering the new features are pretty awesome


    Got a reply from Satyr himself! Quick fix inc!
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
  11. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  12. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Very minor bug: the "Precursor Girdir" (not to be confused with the "Precursor Girder") seems to lack a sprite when it's a loose object. It's visible when it's placed, and when it's in your inventory, but lying on the ground it can't be seen. Can be picked up, though.

  13. rylasasin

    rylasasin Cosmic Narwhal

    Might sound like a dumb question, but how do I unlock the microsphere? The update doesn't say. I tried picking up every material I had in my lab's inventory (which just about everything) but nothing did the trick.
  14. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Try a github search. Look for a "LearnBlueprintsOnPickup" once you find out what its Item ID is.


    @sayter : thanks for those .PNG tweaks, they seem to help quite a bit with the load times.

    EDIT2: Yup, about 60-90 seconds shaved off of what was once 5-5.5 minutes to load to title screen.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
  15. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Is there any way you can do something about the sounds the garden water bot makes? I put him down and now all I hear is loud beeping. It's unbearable and I don't seem to be able to remove him.
  16. dualinfinities

    dualinfinities Pangalactic Porcupine

    you're welcome. he was gonna do it sooner or later, I just decided to help out everyone and make it "sooner" this time. there were so many pngs...
    SivCorp likes this.
  17. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Oh, that was you? Sorry about that! I didn't know who exactly did it, but yeah. It's a big help lol.
  18. dualinfinities

    dualinfinities Pangalactic Porcupine

    if someone is a major contributor in a thing of FU's, sayter puts that person's name in the update notes. that's just good practice when it comes to Github, or really any other thingy of that kind.
  19. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    helps *me* keep track as much as it helps get them recognized
  20. dualinfinities

    dualinfinities Pangalactic Porcupine

    that too! just all-around good practice.

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