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RELEASED FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Dymence

    Dymence Yeah, You!

    Armors don't seem to be protecting me from planet environmental hazards. Wearing Mutavisk Armor I still get the radiation debuff and eventually die on irradiated planets even though it should give deadly radiation protection. Same thing with deadly cold planets wearing Arctic Armor. Funnily enough the heating EPP protects me from deadly cold, which I thought it shouldn't? Don't know if I'm doing something wrong here..
  2. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Stuff has been reworked... what you thought should have protected you before might not protect you now, as a lot of stuff has changed, make sure you're not just making assumptions and actually read what's on armor and augments. There is no "deadly radiation"... each planet has a set amount of Rad Resistance needed and you simply don't have enough. Try adding a Radiation Shield augment and see if it is enough to get rid of the debuff entirely.
  3. Dymence

    Dymence Yeah, You!

    I know a lot of things have changed, but before EPP's would only protect you from base-game biome hazards and 'deadly cold/radation/heat etc. would require armor or augments as far as I am aware. Now you can just take the old EPP's and they give you complete immunity to the aforementioned hazards. Makes immunity armor feel a lot more obsolete. About the 'deadly radiation', Mutavisk Armor says in the description that it gives you immunity to 'deadly radiation', but I guess that might be outdated text then?

    Does what you said about radiation apply to every type of hazard? E.g. do planets saying you should have deadly cold protection or heat protection require different protection values? I always assumed these type of planets are all equal in their type of hazard. Is this not the case?
  4. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    I've yet to see the new changes myself, so difficult to say.

    EDIT @sayter : Armorworks is teaching Fertilizer and Mulch upon first time opening it up.
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    stop posting annoying pictures or ill have you banned from the thread. Thanks. I've now asked you more than once. Pictures are rarely needed here.

    I don't care if english is your language or not. Either translate your text, or find other ways to impart information. Thanks.
  6. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    The update notes were specific. Read them.

    But yea, this is in transition. Pretty soon EPPs will be an entirely different concept.

    Mutavisk, however, DOES block against rads. The issue is that I forgot normal radiation, and only included deadly on the armor. Easy fix.

    Yes, normal EPPs prevent most...for now. I had to at least leave that in so nobody got screwed over in the interim.

    Soon it should be more like this:

    regular EPP: gives + resistance (+15%)
    mid EPP: gives ++ resistance (+25%)
    top EPP: Gives full immunity (+50%)

    This way you can have an EPP at low rank (15%), add an augment (+10%) for a base resistance of 25%. Add a racial bonus to that, and any armor resistance bonuses and now youre getting somewhere!

    The values will need to be juggled, of course, but the gist of it is as you see there.

    Now, if you have any *ideas*, feel free to mention. Now is the time.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  7. Dymence

    Dymence Yeah, You!

    Thanks for the info. I re-read the update notes, for some reason my brain blanked on the EPP and biome changes, my bad.
  8. mayaslash

    mayaslash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I can't figure this out. Shouldn't there be a pak file? I downloaded a zip file, which I unarchived into the mod section of Starbound but my last version of Frackin Universe was a pak file, not a folder. Also, does the latest update work with Starbound 1.2.2?
  9. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    @mayaslash : Mods can come in either .pak or folder form. We stopped maintaining the .pak here on the repo because it was just too much of a hassle. Just stick the Frackin'Universe Folder (I assume you got it from Github?) in your \mods\ and it will work.

    And if yo ugot it from GitHub, you would have seen that it specifically says "Frackin Universe for SB 1.2.2" so... ya I would think that it is in fact for SB 1.2.2.
  10. mayaslash

    mayaslash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The title in GitHub says SB 1.2, not 1.2.2 Am I looking at the wrong file? I went there from the latest release link :(
    I'm asking because when I used this version the game didn't load.
  11. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Eh, we need logfiles. And yes it's for 1.2.2. We wouldn't release daily updates for an outdated version of Starbound, lol.

    If you experience a crash or what-not, you need to pastebin the log here so we can figure out why.
  12. mayaslash

    mayaslash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nevermind, the reason was improper unarchiving, I had to remove the external folder. It finally all works now! Gah, I've been struggling with it since last night.
    I apologize for bothering you.
  13. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    np, we just ask that people follow the directions on the overview page. It just gets old after awhile when yet someone else comes by and says they've got an error but they don't give us any logs and expect us to know what's causing it, lol. My apologies if any of us seemed brash, harsh, etc... but after a few years of this going on rather regularly it tends to wear on the nerves.

    So, feel free to ask any questions anytime you got a problem, but please follow directions (if it's an error or technical problem) and everything will go smoothly!
    mayaslash likes this.
  14. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Or , to be even more blunt: Either attach a damned log for your problem, or get out. I have no patience or tolerance for people that can't follow directions printed in bold, bright red text at the very top of the main page for the express purpose of helping them.

    I've got better things to do with my time. Either help us help you, or help yourself.

    "but what if..."

    read the text.

    "but im having a bug with..." read the text.

    "but how do i..." read the text.

    3 years + of people not reading. Done. This isn't targetting you, btw. I am simply stating this for the record. I am through with people that think they are special snowflakes. In your case, different, since you just asked a question (and a reasonable one not addressed on the page) and that's fine. But most people just straight up ignore this crap for the hell of it. So I am going to ignore them from now on.

    now, with version numbers:

    *usually* if something is okay in 1.2, itll also be fine in 1.2.2, 1.2.7 etc. 1.3, on the other hand, would be a new version altogether rather than a slightly incremented build. Sadly, this is not *always* the case , so asking is never a bad thing.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  15. NewMilenium

    NewMilenium Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello. I'm sorry in advance to bother you. I'm not even sure it is a Frackin' Universe problem.
    As I don't know where to start, I'll simply describe in details what happened and my investigations :
    I'm playing on a multiplayer server (I'm not admin of) which has, among other mods, Frackin'Universe installed. It was all fine, until this : we were on some planet with a friend, he crashes. Then he tells me his character disappeared from the list of characters. I log off not to consume food ("save and quit"), and I notice I got the same problem.
    Investigating gave this :
    1) the character is saved in the characters folder,
    2) starbound.log says this about my character UUID :
    [Error] Failed to valid player with uuid (editedmyuuid) : (AssetException) Error loading asset /stats/effects/fu_weathereffects/new/tropical/jungleweathernew.animation
    3) this animation doesn't exist in that folder ("tropical" folder there contains : heatweathernew.animation, jungleheatweather.animation, jungleheatweather.lua, jungleheatweather.statuseffect).
    4) (i made a backup of that character save) copying another animation and renaming it to that missing animation name permits to see again the character in the characters list, however it is crashing a solo game test and of course provoking an assets mismatch for the multiplayer server.
    5) without the "4)" : removing the "jungleweathernew" from the character save provokes new errors in the log and doesn't permit to see the character in the list (and yes, I'm that desperate to try such things).

    I know the Frackin Universe version used is 5.0.252. The admin said he would update it in the next days. Which frightens me even more about our characters.

    If you have any idea of what I could try, or if you want me to post more informations, please don't hesitate.
    Sorry again for the trouble.
  16. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    seriously. read the post DIRECTLY ABOVE YOURS. Where is the log file? WHERE?\

    that said, the admin needs to update. thats literally the only issue here.
    Next time you post without a log, I won't bother to respond.
  17. NewMilenium

    NewMilenium Void-Bound Voyager

    First, I understand your lack of patience.
    Second, I'm gonna insist : I found the error and quoted the log without giving you a full log to read, which is maybe a mistake, but still comes from a nice will; avoiding you a loss of time. So, read my post please, as I read the one above before posting mine.
    Here is a fresh log of when I launch the game, try to load the char, it isn't there, then i leave the game.

    Now, I'm curious of what informations you will find useful in my case that are in the log file and not in my previous post - so I can correct my behavior if such a case happens to me again.

    And as you say the admin needs to update : does it imply
    1) that if i update myself, i can load my character in solo without problem?
    2) that the problem involved is corrected in the next version?

    Thanks for your help.

    edit : as a side note : there is no red bold text up there. At all. And not on the first page either. So I assumed the log you're mentionning is starbound.log. :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  18. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    common sense: if you have the most updated version and the server does *not*, then things are obviously going to be different. Yes, its fixed.
  19. NewMilenium

    NewMilenium Void-Bound Voyager

    >if you have the most updated version and the server does *not*, then things are obviously going to be different.
    Out of subject (and I already knew that).
    Thanks for the rest.
  20. dualinfinities

    dualinfinities Pangalactic Porcupine

    hey, regarding the translocator, does the t2 version DELIBERATELY not use the t1 in the recipe? that seems like an error to me given that it's referred to as an upgradable tool. someone earlier in the thread implied (possibly accidentally) that it was deliberate, but they aren't a dev, so.

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