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RELEASED FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    Some more missing assets, specifically 'cosmicswoosh', and the occasional PGI appearing in merchant lists and containers. Log here: http://pastebin.com/6U7zHMby

    I'm also getting this error in my log: [21:05:37.559] [Error] OpenGL errors this frame: GL_INVALID_VALUE
    Does anyone know why, what problems it could cause, and/or how to correct it? I'd be thankful.

    Also also, recently I've gotten weird freezes every time I talk to quest-related people. Receiving quests, completing quests, talking to an escortee... game freezes for a few seconds (during which the SB window gets a "not responding") before resuming. Log says nothing. Any insights?
  2. spiraluna

    spiraluna Big Damn Hero

    I've experienced the same problem with quests too. Went back and did some testing with vanilla. Haven't experienced the same issue so it's somehow mod-related. Not sure if it's FU yet though. While not game-breaking, it's certainly frustrating.
  3. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    That "GL_INVALID_VALUE" is always there.

    It has something to do with OpenGL (as it says right in the error) which is the graphics handling thing, and it has nothing to do with FU or any other mod.
  4. spiraluna

    spiraluna Big Damn Hero

    In regards to the quest freezing thing, FU doesn't seem to be the cause of it with some testing I've done. Vanilla and FU on its own both act fine.
  5. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    can anyone help me an tell me what is this??

    [18:07:02.875] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 361
    [18:07:08.415] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 360
    [18:07:29.235] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 375
    [18:07:29.235] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 384
    [18:07:36.150] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 369
    [18:07:43.454] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 381
    [18:07:45.392] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 372
    [18:07:46.447] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 376
    [18:08:04.893] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 1023
    [18:08:17.030] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 773
    [18:08:24.673] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 1021
    [18:08:29.958] [Info] Skipped event recording for nonexistent entity 1254
  6. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Isn't that a question better asked over at Support?

    This thread is for issues relating to Frackin'Universe. While we try our best to help people when they follow directions (and even sometimes when they don't), we are not Support.
  7. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    and if it was mod related???
  8. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    There's no way of telling whether or not this is mod-related. Support could tell you if it was. And even if it was mod-related, what makes you think it has anything to do with FU and not one of your other mods?
  9. Zaroth

    Zaroth Pangalactic Porcupine

    A list of small bugs I've collected up, Sayter.
    All mentions of stations refer to the highest tier station of its type.

    Red hot cobblestone doesn't cool in water. Generally speaking, most things without burning or notable heat reactions should probably cool hot tiles.
    Science outpost glitch, the one in the hazmat suit, doesn't use prefixes.
    Centrifuges at science outpost are now, as always, unpowered.
    Drainage behind science outpost bar still an issue.
    Elder stone (the glowing, natural block ones) doesn't break down in the extractor or furnace.
    All siftable items seem to produce identical items.
    Volcanic Ash isn't siftable.
    Aether dust is not siftable.
    Shadowroot spike not extractable, no xenolab effect.
    Banana does not extract. Works in xeno.
    Coco pod does not extract, no xenolab effect.
    Avesmingo does not extract. Works in xeno.
    Boneboo does not extract. Works in xeno.
    Beakseed does not extract. No xenolab effect.
    Wildblizzberryseed requires tilled tiles despite being the wild variety.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  10. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Working as intended. Doesn't make much sense to have the player build these machines and the power devices if you can just skip that and use the freebie ones at the outpost, lol. As it is, I'm wondering if we shouldn't have a non-functional duplicate of all the machines in the outpost for this very reason.

    What's the point of building a MA for example if I can just waltz on over to the Outpost and bum theirs?

    Working as intended (for now, might change later).

    Put it in the extractor instead, for rather nice rewards.
  11. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    cause its a veeeeeeeeeeeery big mod.
  12. Zaroth

    Zaroth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Because that would get kinda tedious, I'm guessing.
    Not having most of their stations be highest tier (save those that would then look out of place in a proper lab otherwise) would also be incentive to build your own.

    Fair enough. Just always found it odd that I'm pulling flower petals out of steel sand from a dark planet made of often boiling metal.
  13. Kirbyroth

    Kirbyroth Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well you can bum the sci outpost machines but you limited to items on hand and only the basic recipes.
  14. MrNage95

    MrNage95 Void-Bound Voyager

    I have recently installed Frackin' Universe, and have landed on my 1st Gelatinous world. However, I always get kicked out of the world whenever a monster known as an "eyeslimeking" tries to spawn, with the GameLog saying that the monster doesn't exist. The assets are present in the mod files, so I do not know why the game insists it isn't there.
  15. nefrem

    nefrem Phantasmal Quasar

    There is a little bug : a tiny misalignement between upper and lower part of the short spears ! (version 5.0.235)
    (I can take a screen if you want)
  16. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Directions from the overview page: Pastebin the entire log. It also helps to make an "isolated" or "fresh" log by shutting the game down, re-opening it, reproducing the error and then shutting down right afterwards to make the logfile shorter and easier to parse but it isn't 100% necessary. We do need the entire log though.

    We literally cannot help you until you do.
  17. Akonij

    Akonij Aquatic Astronaut

    My game crashes after the Chucklefish logo. This is on a new install with FrackinUniverse being the only mod. Here is the log http://pastebin.com/JPFAL2v5
  18. Cirom

    Cirom Cosmic Narwhal

    I've noticed the Gravity Generator isn't completely centered - built a base designed to be perfectly symmetrical, but it seems the projected gravity is 4 blocks too much to the west. Which now means that the gravity generator looks wrong just to have the gravity centered :c
  19. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    I've noticed that the recipe for the Tech Console differs whether you're using the Nano-Fabricator or the Matter-Assembler. I think they should use the same recipe, right?

    Also, I was on a proto-world and ran into some recolored Mandraflora. When it spotted me, it jumped into the air and flew away, disappearing upwards. May have to calibrate its jump height. A bio-ooze storm was going on at the time, if that's a factor.
  20. Gearzoid II

    Gearzoid II Big Damn Hero

    Does anyone know where I could find a list of vehicles added in the mod if there are any?

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