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RELEASED FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    there arent warp coordinates. It is an instance. How about following bug-report instructions and we can see what is up?
  2. Robert_Lee

    Robert_Lee Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi! I installed your mod from Steam Workshop, but every time I launch it - game brokes.

    Here log, I need resolve, because cant run game for 3 mounths
  3. Febilian

    Febilian Cosmic Narwhal

    Hey, running the latest version of FU, I updated from a previous version and the Incubators are new. I made two and put a total of four eggs into them; two for mooshi and two for the chickens. I came back a while later and I ended up with four chickens and no mooshi. Thought I should let you know the Incubator may be a bit weird atm. I'll try hatching other things besides basic chickens and basic mooshi and see if it makes a difference.

    EDIT: Hatched two more eggs, for some of the elemental mooshi... they turned into chickens too. Oop.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
  4. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Here to report that I'm having issues with the custom collections as well. Doing a second character relating to testing a beta race mod, and had to build Bone armor for a starting armorset for them, at which point I noticed that Bone Helmet had been added to collections, but still am unable to see the FU collections. Even though I have the collection expansion mod installed and in fact both Trading Card mods currently as well and working :S
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Your error has nothing to do with FrakinUniverse whatsoever.

    Your issue is another of your many, many mods using a duplicate item name that something else already has:


    so, have fun. You need to remove your mods and add them back one by one until you figure out which one it is. This is why you don't install 200 mods :)
  6. ambrose

    ambrose Astral Cartographer

    Hey, sorry about that, when I said crash I meant that it bounced me back to my ship, this happens sometimes when I am visiting ancient vaults as while, could the vault update be effecting the quest? Just a guess, I really don't know that much.
  7. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  8. Robert_Lee

    Robert_Lee Void-Bound Voyager

    But I want all of these mods, he-he, cant play without mods. And why I cant search another mod with duplicated item, or can you know mods that used duplicated item? As I know, this is vanilla item. Anyway, thank for your help!
  9. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    that is not a vanilla item any longer. they are manipulatormodule, not component. If you want to be able to play the game, you need to remove the mod that is breaking it. Period. Liking it is not relevant, if it breaks the game. Chances are, it is horrendously outdated or something like this. That is the end of my concern about it, as it has nothing to do with my mods.

    you still haven't attached a log. until you do, I cannot help you. The game *always* generates a log.
  10. Robertshadow

    Robertshadow Big Damn Hero

    Why are the gorgolith/bahamut, titan, war bot and all of that so shady?
    They're such incredible monsters but they're never used to their full potential, more exactly never used at all.
  11. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    they are used, save for titan. You simply haven't run into them.
  12. Khym Chanur

    Khym Chanur Big Damn Hero

    I haven't found any arid bees (either queens or drones) on an arid planet. Do I just need to keep searching? Should I plant a bunch of flowers in one place and camp out there?
  13. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    luck of the draw. Complaining here certainly won't increase your luck. They work fine :)
  14. florant

    florant Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The first Frackin' universe guide book has a duplicate "a" on the plastic and silicon pt 2 page. Game crashes on interacting with the lab directory, ill submit a proper error message as soon as i can. I think the Hellfire armor set is hella OP, even compared to armors that require xithricite to craft, while materials for the hellfire are relatively easy to come by. those are my 2 cents
  15. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    eventually i'll get the other armors all sorted into the Set Bonus system. Perhaps i'll take some time today and do a few more suits.

    lab directory crash: will need a log since not a single other person has reported that
  16. Presios Saiyan

    Presios Saiyan Giant Laser Beams

    I have a question about the Evader Armor that i crafted:

    Dose it work in Gas Ball planets? Because it says it protects pressure, but not 'extreme' pressure which it gets me a lot more confused. Don't you mean it protects extreme pressure than normal low pressure planets? I am extremely confused on what pressure protection it has, what can it be extreme or not, just let me know to break the confusion, okay?
  17. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    pressure is pressure. i intended two types, only one was ever needed. So its more different terminology for the same thing.
    Presios Saiyan likes this.
  18. nova_clockwork

    nova_clockwork Orbital Explorer

    i have a problem with the mod actually
    so i move the PAK. into the mod i run my starbound and i met the error
  19. dk6640

    dk6640 Space Hobo

    So I started starbound this evening, and at first it crashed with a big long error message, I though it was my computer or something, so I restarted Starbound, and I get into game, and most of my items are replaced with perfectly generic items, which, to my understanding, happens because the item is not there. I see Starbound updated on the 18th, but I played that night and had 0 problems. Can anyone tell me what could be happening here? And is it possible to still save my world and get the items back?
  20. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    perhaps read the *very first thing* on this mods page for an idea on how to properly report your issue. Then I can help. But not before.

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