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RELEASED FrackinUniverse (Archive)

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by sayter, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. skittlesmcgee

    skittlesmcgee Big Damn Hero

    Eh, if they do it right, there shouldn't actually be much canon for it. The more "unknown" it is, the better.
  2. crazygreggy

    crazygreggy Phantasmal Quasar

    And with the fungoid horrors unleashed by the Agarans ( er, Yuggoth ? ) it should be quite creepy.
  3. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Say, do you have a final list of biomes? You mentioned you'd finalized the list, and I would love to see it, if you're willing.
  4. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    ok, what did i start before i went to work? *finds necronomicon being used to level a table* >_>
  5. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    Sorry, that was me, my tail wagged a bit too much and dislodged the loose table leg and it was damaged beyond repair due to age. Had to prop it up with -something-.
  6. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time



    it works! it woooooooorks

    Now we just need to test and make sure the quests all load and whatnot. Some "order" issues thus far, but those are minor (if annoying) to test and fix.

    Right now you can only get the quests with a new character, which we will need to rectify with a dummy quest for experienced players (though it's mainly a gigantic tutorial so you probably won't need the quests anyhow. there's not really any rewarding loot unless you count blueprints for the FU stations as leet loot )
  7. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    A warning, Sayter. They're planning to revamp the gate. This might screw with you a bit.
  8. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    not really. Swap out old, replace with new. No biggy.
  9. middlewaytao

    middlewaytao Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi there, enjoying the mod very much, just one question, where is Elder Stone? I have looked everywhere...
  10. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    It only appears in a few subbiomes. You can't miss it. It's stone with bright green bits in it. Keep looking, and it'll turn up.
  11. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    I wonder how this will work with the Your Starbound crew's outpost, probably set up as different areas, tho. Looks nice :) can't wait to try it out.
    Ollafur likes this.
  12. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    okay folks, while im doing "minidungeons" for terrain purposes , any worlds that could use some randomness added to them?

    thus far I have icewaste, icemoon, bog, and some canyon-like massive ones for use wherever I please.
  13. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Alien worlds, i usually only see 2 biomes on them.
  14. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    no , not subbiomes. I mean like, terrain variations. But, noted. Alien worlds added to touchups. I need to start merging in some of my plants to ground cover on the vanilla worlds anyhow. two for one deal, there.
  15. Fleshdancer

    Fleshdancer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Got a bug for you.

    I used the paint tool on some jungle plantblocks and it crashed my game.

    Other than that. I love your mod!

    Attached Files:

  16. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    i don't have any paintable compatibility with any of the blocks , at least as far as I know. That's not a bug, it's simply something I never bothered to include in the first place :) It can't use what isn't there, is my guess.

    I'm going to publish what I have thus far on the Github project for FU. Feel free to download it. Expect problems with the quests, since I've barely tested them yet. But please toss any issues my way.


    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  17. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    I think I'll wait til it's more stable and posted here before I play with it, but it looks very interesting.
  18. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    its stable, the quests need to be tested. Hence putting it up. So you can see if the quests work properly. Lol.
  19. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Alright, then. I'll have a look. I assume you're waiting before posting it here for that reason.
  20. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    yep, plus im still doing more for the release. I'm not happy with everything just yet.

    I think I might toss in some custom star types, separate the FU worlds a bit from the general pool of planets. We'll see what I come up with.
    DarthTrethon likes this.
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