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RELEASED FrackinUniverse (Archive)

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by sayter, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    The clone lab is not going to be updated with this update. It will be revamped later, with new flora added. The quests will allow you to craft one but you don't have to yet.
  2. Tetragen

    Tetragen Void-Bound Voyager

    Was wondering if you guys were planning on making the Extractor function similarly to how the furnaces work now, with directly turning items rather than tossing them in and waiting for it to process.
  3. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Honestly, I am undecided on this. I've considered it on and off over and over again. The one key thing about it that people don't like is the speed of conversion more than anything else. I guess, ultimately, if you guys overwhelmingly want it changed, I can do that easy enough. It's basically as simple as changing a few lines of code. I like how they work now, but I don't care either way.
  4. jaspercayne

    jaspercayne Void-Bound Voyager

    Right. So leave space and an empty locker for the ridiculous amount of things you guys are going to make me want to hoard, but don't expect it to be used for a little while yet. Check. I just wasn't certain if it would go the way of the dodo or if it should get crammed in a corner and ignored like the bastard child it currently is. I look forward to your next breakage update.[DOUBLEPOST=1424994621][/DOUBLEPOST]
    To be honest, I have more issues with the speed of the sampling array then the extractor. I've also noticed that neither one continues I function is there is nobody on the planet. I'm aware that worlds get unloaded when they are not populated, but I wasn't sure if anything could be done about it a la Minecraft chunk loaders.
  5. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    I honestly would say change everything over to the modern furnace functions, if for nothing else than uniformity's sake. CF decided waiting for your ore was silly, so I think FU would be best served following suit.
  6. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Some of patently disagree with Chucklefish's decision to change the furnaces to instanteous crafting so I disagree with you. It's more rewarding for time-delayed crafting, and I wish CF would add improve it more.
    sayter likes this.
  7. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I'm generally with Mackinz on this one. I prefer the other method. There are limits to that though. When you have multiple extractors running (6 or so) in the old stable it really, reallllllly slowed down. This was a constant annoyance when testing mass-extraction. But, typically speaking you don't need 6 of the bastards going. I like timed-reward because it increases the "Value" of the product, even if it's an artificial value.

    IE: When you wait for mail for a cool thing you ordered for 6 weeks, its WAY cooler than if it just showed up 5 minutes later. Psychologically, that's just how it goes. That doesn't mean it IS cooler. It simply seems that way.

    However, I get the trepidation over waiting forever, especially when you have a pack with 60,000 tiles in it and you just want them gone. And ultimately, I want people to have fun and not be bogged down waiting on extraction. So, I have no qualms swapping.

    The Sampling Array, however, will always make you wait. Until we change it completely, that is. Which is something we're working (potentially, we'll see what ends up going on with it in the end) later. A couple of us have a rather complex plan involving that right now. It'll be a lot more complicated, if anything.

    Also some GUI stuff in the pipe.

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm pretty sure modern furnace functions don't play nice with multiple outputs, or probabilistic outputs, or recipes that do not have well-defined inputs(i.e. you can't just go "one of the items has to be soil and another a liquid that causes a status effect that deals poison damage").

    bro u a space poor just remake that shit

    Chunk loaders no, but I recall timeplayed being a player property. It could be possible for machinery to pretend to run in the background by simply checking how long it was unloaded for and fast-forwarding.
  9. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    I suppose I can empathize with that mindset. Do what you think is best for the mod.

    Also, I just saw the notes for the coming U070, and I am mightily impressed. Any chance at an ETA, or is it still undergoing polish?
  10. Tetragen

    Tetragen Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm open to both, I just happen to like the new Furnace functions due to the menus and having the availability of seeing what I can make with what I've got rather than having to search my inventory every time. This wouldn't be a problem is CF implemented some kind of sort system, but that doesn't seem to be high up on there agenda.
  11. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    I kinda liked the older system myself, putting things in to "cook" gave me time to get up, get a drink, stretch, go to the bathroom, etc. Both ways have their merits tho. Newer version saves time/space. Old one you got to build rooms dedicated to smelting, which added flavor imo. I think one of the mods I had back in EK had more furnaces, as you went up, the faster they smelted and you got more from them.

    And between the two mods I use, Space is a premium, hehe. Although, both do add larger containers. Speaking of that, I need to craft a couple more of the FU ones. Starting to fill up my supplies one for the FU crafting.
    sayter likes this.
  12. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    Have no idea if this is this mod or not.

    [21:33:16.533] Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: (TreasureException) Unknown treasure pool 'smallfishtreasure'
      TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float, unsigned long long, HashSet<String, hash<String, void> >)
      TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float, unsigned long long)
      TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float)
      WorldServer::removeEntity(int, bool)
  13. moseythepirate

    moseythepirate Pangalactic Porcupine

    A question regarding Mutavisks. How is the thread made? The Glass+DNA Sample+Mutavisk Silk formula in the codex isn't working for me. On the same subject, out of curiosity, are mutavisks intended to only be manufactured singly? It isn't a big deal, considering that it's one of the easiest seeds to make and gives a seed on harvest, but I'm genuinely curious.
  14. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Mineral Sample + DNA Sample + Mutavisk Silk = Thread

    if it is crafted and only gives 1 seed, it's intended :)

    Vegetable Lamb
    [21:33:16.533] Error: WorldServerThread exception caught: (TreasureException) Unknown treasure pool 'smallfishtreasure'
    TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float, unsigned long long, HashSet<String, hash<String, void> >)
    TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float, unsigned long long)
    TreasureDatabase::createTreasure(String, float)
    WorldServer::removeEntity(int, bool)
    no, that is not FU :)

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    smallfishtreasure is defined in monster.treasurepools. Neither that nor any of the fish files themselves are touched by FU. You could search your mod folder for *.treasurepools and fish.monstertype to see if anything is overriding/patching it.
  16. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time


    change your privacy settings, man. That's why I can't send you messages or invite you.

    GROVER CURES HOUSES Void-Bound Voyager

    change your privacy settings, man. That's why I can't send you messages or invite you.[/quote]

    well fuck
  18. moseythepirate

    moseythepirate Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thankee, Sir Sayter. May I recommend updating the codex entry?
  19. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    we'll get to the codex. It's a minor issue, and I've got major features currently in the works. But it's on the list.
  20. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Major is putting it lightly. Biome adoption, mechanics edits, new stuff made from scratch, I don't know how you and the others are gonna do it, man.
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