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RELEASED FrackinUniverse (Archive)

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by sayter, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

  2. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    If sayter seriously considers that, he could start with the assets from this, sadly, outdated mod.

    Honestly, though, I think Portal references should be kept to their own mod.
  3. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Honestly *whooosh* over my head. Never did play portal. Heard good things, though.
  4. DarkishScotScot

    DarkishScotScot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ran into a minor problem. When I break one of your plants, I am "awarded" with Bio Gel and Plant Fibers. Is this intentional? I run this game on a MAC. Have had no issues until the recent [Upbeat] Version.
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Yes, because wild plants are not meant to give you seeds, necessarily. The whole point is to craft them. Wild plants give you resources to help do that. Therefore, it's not a problem. Wild plants in FF/FU have not given seeds (most of them at least) since about 40 releases ago, at least.
  6. DarkishScotScot

    DarkishScotScot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you very much for the clarification! ;)
  7. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    Yep, furnace recipes have to be learnt since Giraffe.
    Another way to protect your base.
  8. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Fixed for next release. Thanks guys. I didn't realize that was the case.
  9. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Well... kinda. It's actually determined by the UI config file, and you can make a new furnace UI that has all recipes accessible from the start if so desired. A quick comparison between the Terramart and Furnace UI configs would show it better.
  10. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Yea, I know that much. I use the no-recipe script line in the Design Lab currently. But I just assumed that was the "default" for the new furnace style since it was non-unlock based in the old stable :) Was too busy with other stuff to check. Inny was the Recipe Guy this time around, so yea. Unaware was I.
  11. ironrail

    ironrail Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Same here ... thought I was doin' something wrong and was feelin bad about wasting your time earlier ... glad to see it's an easy fix and that it will be in the next update!
  12. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    for now you can fix it yourself pretty easlily if you can open files and find one that unlocks stuff.

    i recommend algaegreen under items/generic/crafting. Open that. Find LearnBlueprintsonPickup line. where you see an item with "quotes", do this
    [  "otheritemalreadythere", "prisilitestar" ] 

    voila. done.
  13. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Man, this update is getting monstrous! So many new things in it. I'm excited to get it out to you guys, but you'll need to be patient. I added several new craftable armors/weapons/gear last night , with more coming :)
    DarthTrethon, chean and scriber like this.
  14. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    And it's only the start. :)
  15. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Two "red" items left on the to-do list. The rest are not critical. Yay! From 200 to 2 !
  16. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    Looking forward to everything. You got my message, right? I started a conversation earlier towards ya.
  17. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    Yes, and I'd already said prior that I'm not looking for more ideas right now, dude. Appreciated, but our hands are full and we have plans set in stone right now. Absolutely nothing is going to derail them.

    No intention of ever adding stimpacks in the mod. There are enough mods that do that already if you want those. Biomes list is not being added to, since we have those plotted out already too.

    For the time being all idea-mails will be ignored unless they revolve around things that ALREADY exist in the mod and on ways to potentially make them more fun/interesting. Period.
  18. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I meant stimpacks as in the vanilla ones, but it doesn't matter if your hands are -that- full (especially with this upcoming release if I'm readin' it right)
  19. jaspercayne

    jaspercayne Void-Bound Voyager

    @sayter : I've been truly enjoying this mod like you wouldn't believe, but I do have a question about the cloning lab. Should I be leaving a space for it in my lab or is it going away and being replaced with something new? As it stands I am pretty sure it doesn't have the ability to really do anything right now, am I mistaken?

    @Aegis J Hyena : I've been following this thread for a while now, and you really need to go do some googling and learn how to code yourself. You keep trying to suggest all kinds of ideas and begging other people to do the coding for you or having them implement your ideas into their mods. LUA is one of the easier languages to learn, and it really wouldn't be that hard for you to make your own mods that use all your ideas. I am politely asking on behalf of everyone that is subscribed to this discussion: Stop suggesting things.
    Learn to code for yourself and do whatever you want. It gets old seeing updates to the discussion and then when I eagerly open the alerts I often find that it is just you "suggesting" more things, or trying to recruit people to make your ideas a reality. Google "LUA tutorials" and do us all a favour. Please. On top of that you may well end up creating the greatest mod Starbound has ever seen, but you'll never know until you actually try it yourself. I am not trying to be a jackass, but you have been polluting this thread for some time. I always appreciate seeing people trying to figure things out, or reporting issues where they are discovered, but you might be best off to start another thread in the forums looking for people to help and keeping all your ideas in there instead.
    sayter likes this.
  20. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    That would be logical, and logic is bad. </troll>

    "polluting" I think is a bit strong a word, though.
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