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RELEASED FrackinUniverse (Archive)

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by sayter, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. ironrail

    ironrail Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sure thing![DOUBLEPOST=1424805317][/DOUBLEPOST]okay, so I've visited 6 frozen moons , and couldn't find prisilite ... so I opened up notepad and looked at oredistributions.configfunctions.patch ... the values seem to be right (.80 through 1.30 under "path";"/ff_deepicemoonOres" ) ... any suggestions?

    *worth mentioning is that this is a fresh download of FU and before downloading it I deleted my universe folder, so all planets are freshly generated.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  2. slymidna

    slymidna Space Hobo

    is there a terraforming feature to turn lifeless planets into a more lushes planet?
  3. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    nope. Not sure the API would handle that directly. I'm sure there are ways to do so (turn block into new block etc) but it isn't something we're considering at prsent[DOUBLEPOST=1424811445][/DOUBLEPOST]

    yea. Keep looking is the suggestion. The generator sucks ass, and is random chance.
  4. slymidna

    slymidna Space Hobo

    is there a way to add grass to dirt?
  5. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

  6. Omekk

    Omekk Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heads up, I decided to test the new nightly as there are planet bookmarks! (They work awesomely!) and I was getting a crash on loading that was mentioning the liquid database... Did some exploring and found out that they added swampwater to the main game. I changed swampwater in FrackinUniverse to swampwater2 and solved the issue for myself.
  7. Milapurr

    Milapurr Astral Cartographer

    I'm a paranoid loser but the download now goes to some tattoo place in canada? Suspicious. It's the only thing keeping me from downloading it
  8. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    It's sayter's friends website, and he is using it for hosting the mod download because other file-sharing website options have not been able to keep up with the demand for the mod.
  9. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    thanks for the heads up. We'll adjust that to beat it to the punch. Or just use theirs. Either / or
  10. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    LOL I remember that from Terraria.
  11. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Yeah, the SoR used to be a decent early game weapon til it was nerfed hard.

    Also, FU doesn't work with the Nightly or Unstable. It's optimized exclusively for Stable branch, so if you play around with the beta branches, you're on your own.
  12. slymidna

    slymidna Space Hobo

    thank you[DOUBLEPOST=1424815435][/DOUBLEPOST]is it normal that if you star a new carecther and do the ftl mission that no quest apears?
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  13. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    I'm almost surprised no one has tried a terraria/starbound merge, renaming everything so that it's not "exactly" like terraria... at least with the various high level dungeons or the corruption/crimson mechanic (the latter of which kept me from playing terraria, I don't want to deal with it)
  14. WatcherCCG

    WatcherCCG Giant Laser Beams

    Back before the game was out I actually suggested a Terraria PLANET, but that was shot down hard by the community.

    And yeah, the Crimson is damn creepy.
  15. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    I'd considered terraria bits. But instead I went more for my own thing. That said, there are elements I'd love to see here. Like a multi-grapple , whip weapons, etc.

    I could do a spear-like whip, but it would look dumb when attacking.
  16. slymidna

    slymidna Space Hobo

    is it normal tha the quest commance science only apear on one of my guys even ought my secound guy finished the quest FTL? plz help
  17. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Terraria was fun, but got kinda boring after a bit, as once you finished everything, the only thing left was collecting rares or hunting down things on new worlds. The crimson and corruption stuff was a challenge to keep away, i had fun infecting friends places with hallow, hehe.

    I do have to say, I prefer Starbound more. Just more to do, instead of being tied to one world, and having to rebuild every single time. And I prefer the Sci-Fi theme more.
    sayter likes this.
  18. ironrail

    ironrail Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My Alloy furnace in game doesn't list the recipe for turning prisiliteore into prisilitestar when I'm holding 200+ of the ore. I opened up the recipe in notepad and it's there, 5:1 ratio, but in game it's not available. Anyone know why?

    *oh, and does anyone know the name of the folder containing the sampling array recipes? Its recipes are not in the "recipes" folder.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  19. sayter

    sayter The Waste of Time

    havent honestly tried the prisilite smelting yet. cant say for sure. ill test tonight.

    array recipes are in the array lua file. you cheater :)

    edit: just tested. prisilite worked perfectly fine.
  20. ironrail

    ironrail Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    lol, thank you for the compliment! When I like something, I start trying to take it apart :)
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