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Outdated Force Gates 2.1.1 [Spirited Giraffe]

Tired of meteors destroying your painstakingly crafted house? Deflect them onto your friend's house!

  1. SleepySquidd

    SleepySquidd Tragically Magic Hands

    @PenguinToast I've added your mod to the featured list, congrats!
  2. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Awesome, thank you!
  3. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

  4. donpapillon

    donpapillon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What is the maximum strenght?
  5. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    I have no idea - Eventually, increasing the strength does nothing, but there isn't really a good way for me to figure out what the limit is.
  6. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wonder, would it be possible to make some sort of power generator to which you must hook up the force gates in order for them to function? It would be a nice optional add-on for those of us who would like this extremely useful mod to be accessible with a bit of balance.
  7. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    This is a great idea - However, since power generators already exist in Starfoundry, I'd rather wait for Starfoundry to be updated and have the force gates use Starfoundry's generators rather than having standalone generators that only work for force gates.
  8. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I never actually came across this mod "Starfoundry" before but now that I took a look at it, I think you are right it looks great. Though do you think it will actually come back? It has been a while from the looks of things, perhaps the author needs a bit of encouragement from the users who enjoyed his mod before.
  9. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    Yes. The Starfoundry team has confirmed they are working on an update.
  10. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Yep, I'm actually part of the Starfoundry team. Two of the main members of the Starfoundry team are now Starbound devs, so Starfoundry is more likely to get an update after Starbound 1.0, when things have settled down a bit and they aren't so busy. I'm planning on looking into starting to update it, but only after I can confirm which parts of Starfoundry will be obsolete after Starbound 1.0.
  11. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    I would recommend you do a Google image search of swastika so that in the future, you can avoid assuming any shape with 4 prongs is a swastika.
  12. rmcrowley2000

    rmcrowley2000 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm quite enjoying the mod so far, but I had a quick question. Is there any plan to allow force gate controllers to work in any non-standard biomes, such as those added by the Prismatic Stars mod?

    The gates themselves work fine on the planets added by Prismatic Stars, but the controllers do not show up as assignable when trying to assign gates to controllers (this process worked just fin on a standard planet and my ship). No matter what I try (order, proximity, wiring, etc.) my force gate controller(s) will not show up in the list. A screenshot showing the controllers and gates is included below.

  13. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    That's odd... I can't think of any reason this mod wouldn't work on custom biomes. Do you mind sending me your Starbound log (Should be under giraffe_storage in your Starbound folder) from after you run into the bug?
  14. rmcrowley2000

    rmcrowley2000 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I poked around a bit more, and it doesn't seem tied to the biome mod -- the gate controllers seem to work fine on every other planet... They just don't work on the planet I have been colonizing, for some unknown reason. I really have no idea what is causing it...

    Below is a log in which I logged in, went to the non-working planet, placed 2 force gates and a controller, replicated the issue, then shut down.
    Start logging at: 2015-03-04 09:08:09.894
    [09:08:09.894] Info: Star::Root using bootstrap file '/media/Other/Steam_Storage_Linux/SteamApps/common/Starbound/linux64/sbboot.config'
    [09:08:09.894] Info: Star::Root using storage directory '/media/Other/Steam_Storage_Linux/SteamApps/common/Starbound/giraffe_storage'
    [09:08:09.894] Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'Universal Uncrafter' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/Universal Uncrafter v1.2 (UG)/.'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'smeltingmod' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/SmeltingMod/.'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'ExtraZoomLevels' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/ExtraZoomLevels/.'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'CreativeMode' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/CreativeMode/.'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'FrackinUniverse' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/FrackinUniverse/.'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'EnhancedStorage(HoarderEdition)' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/EnhancedStorage(HoarderEdition)/./EnhancedStorage(HoarderEdition).pak'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'PTForceGate' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/ForceGates.modpak'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'Lightdrones 3.00' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/LightdronesContWShadows.modpak'
    [09:08:09.939] Info: Detected mod 'Prismatic Stars' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/Prismatic Stars/.'
    [09:08:09.940] Info: Detected mod 'lillweaponstation' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/lillweaponstation/.'
    [09:08:09.940] Info: Detected mod 'Item Broadcaster v1.3' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/Item Broadcaster v1.3 (UG)/.'
    [09:08:09.940] Info: Detected mod 'MysteriousStars' at '../giraffe_storage/mods/MysteriousStars_v1.4.2/.'
    [09:08:09.940] Info: Loading Configuration with config file: 'starbound.config'
    [09:08:09.940] Info: Loading Star::Configuration from 'Just (./../giraffe_storage/starbound.config)'
    [09:08:10.053] Info: Writing Star::Configuration to './../giraffe_storage/starbound.config'
    [09:08:10.054] Info: Initializing Star::Root with 14 assets sources
    [09:08:10.054] Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    [09:08:10.054] Info: Client version 'Beta v. Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2' Protocol: 668
    [09:08:10.054] Info: Initialized SDL
    [09:08:10.065] Info: Initialized SDL Video
    [09:08:10.066] Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    [09:08:10.070] Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    [09:08:10.072] Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 1024 sample size buffer
    [09:08:10.072] Info: Loading Assets
    [09:08:10.072] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/packed.pak'
    [09:08:10.072] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../assets/user'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/Universal Uncrafter v1.2 (UG)/.'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/SmeltingMod/.'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/ExtraZoomLevels/.'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/CreativeMode/.'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/FrackinUniverse/.'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/EnhancedStorage(HoarderEdition)/./EnhancedStorage(HoarderEdition).pak'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/ForceGates.modpak'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/LightdronesContWShadows.modpak'
    [09:08:10.073] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/Prismatic Stars/.'
    [09:08:10.074] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/lillweaponstation/.'
    [09:08:10.074] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/Item Broadcaster v1.3 (UG)/.'
    [09:08:10.074] Info: Loading Star::Assets from: '../giraffe_storage/mods/MysteriousStars_v1.4.2/.'
    [09:08:10.497] Info: Done loading Assets
    [09:08:10.499] Info: Fully loading Star::Root...
    [09:08:10.500] Info: Loading PlantDatabase
    [09:08:10.500] Info: Loading ObjectDatabase
    [09:08:10.500] Info: Loading ProjectileDatabase
    [09:08:10.500] Info: Loading MonsterDatabase
    [09:08:10.501] Info: Loading NpcDatabase
    [09:08:10.501] Info: Loading PlayerFactory
    [09:08:10.501] Info: Loading EntityFactory
    [09:08:10.501] Info: Loading ItemDatabase
    [09:08:10.501] Info: Initializing SDL Window
    [09:08:10.511] Info: Done loading PlayerFactory
    [09:08:10.634] Info: Done loading NpcDatabase
    [09:08:10.635] Info: Loading MaterialDatabase
    [09:08:10.635] Info: Loading ParticleDatabase
    [09:08:10.663] Info: OpenGL version: '4.4.0 NVIDIA 340.46' vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' renderer: 'GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2' shader: '4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler'
    [09:08:10.663] Info: Created initial window 1920x1051
    [09:08:10.664] Info: Renderer initialized
    [09:08:10.716] Info: Done loading ParticleDatabase
    [09:08:10.836] Info: Done loading PlantDatabase
    [09:08:10.836] Info: Loading TerrainDatabase
    [09:08:10.869] Info: Done loading TerrainDatabase
    [09:08:10.869] Info: Loading BiomeDatabase
    [09:08:10.950] Info: Done loading MonsterDatabase
    [09:08:10.950] Info: Loading LiquidsDatabase
    [09:08:10.989] Info: Done loading ProjectileDatabase
    [09:08:10.990] Info: Loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [09:08:11.012] Info: Done loading StatusEffectDatabase
    [09:08:11.012] Info: Loading DamageDatabase
    [09:08:11.091] Info: Done loading DamageDatabase
    [09:08:11.091] Info: Loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [09:08:11.102] Info: Done loading EffectSourceDatabase
    [09:08:11.103] Info: Loading FunctionDatabase
    [09:08:11.135] Info: Done loading BiomeDatabase
    [09:08:11.135] Info: Done loading FunctionDatabase
    [09:08:11.135] Info: Loading DungeonDefinitions
    [09:08:11.135] Info: Loading TreasureDatabase
    [09:08:11.202] Info: Done loading MaterialDatabase
    [09:08:11.203] Info: Loading EmoteProcessor
    [09:08:11.204] Info: Done loading EmoteProcessor
    [09:08:11.205] Info: Loading SpeciesDatabase
    [09:08:11.206] Info: Done loading TreasureDatabase
    [09:08:11.206] Info: Loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [09:08:11.207] Info: Done loading ImageMetadataDatabase
    [09:08:11.207] Info: Done loading LiquidsDatabase
    [09:08:11.207] Info: Loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [09:08:11.208] Info: Loading VersioningDatabase
    [09:08:11.208] Info: Done loading VersioningDatabase
    [09:08:11.208] Info: Loading AiDatabase
    [09:08:11.223] Info: Done loading SpeciesDatabase
    [09:08:11.224] Info: Loading TechDatabase
    [09:08:11.248] Info: Done loading TechDatabase
    [09:08:11.251] Info: Done loading AiDatabase
    [09:08:11.268] Info: Done loading QuestTemplateDatabase
    [09:08:11.519] Info: Done loading ObjectDatabase
    [09:08:11.519] Info: Done loading EntityFactory
    [09:08:15.611] Info: Done loading DungeonDefinitions
    [09:08:17.544] Info: Done loading ItemDatabase
    [09:08:17.544] Info: Done fully loading Star::Root
    [09:08:17.560] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [09:08:18.911] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [09:08:18.911] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [09:08:18.927] Info: Renderer initialized
    [09:08:23.336] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [09:08:23.638] Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    [09:08:23.640] Info: Loading settings
    [09:08:23.641] Info: Finding starter world
    [09:08:23.643] Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world -689780311:-419296561:10962569:7:2
    [09:08:23.940] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in player 'Sigmund' locally
    [09:08:24.116] Info: UniverseServer: Logged in account '<anonymous>' as player 'Sigmund' from address local
    [09:08:24.120] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Sigmund' <1> (Fifo <0x3baf1d0>) connected
    [09:08:24.122] Info: UniverseServer: Loading ship world received from client <User: Sigmund>
    [09:08:24.194] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [09:08:24.206] Info: Creating default Star::Configuration
    [09:08:24.363] Info: Renderer initialized
    [09:08:25.160] Info: UniverseServer: Loading world db for world -689780548:-419296596:-253372179:3:2
    [09:08:29.326] Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    [09:08:33.961] Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world CelestialWorld:-689780311:-419296561:10962569:7:2 due to inactivity
    [09:08:39.317] Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world ClientShipWorld:69365fad7e32dfbb2f53a712bdea6665 due to inactivity
    [09:08:59.603] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [09:08:59.605] Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    [09:08:59.621] Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Sigmund' <1> (Fifo <0x3baf1d0>) disconnected
    [09:08:59.621] Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    [09:08:59.637] Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: (FifoClosedException) Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    [09:08:59.638] Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: (FifoClosedException) Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    [09:09:00.602] Info: Renderer initialized
    [09:09:02.498] Info: Renderer destroyed
    [09:09:02.498] Info: Application quitting!
    [09:09:02.498] Info: Client shutdown gracefully
    [09:09:02.627] Info: Shutting down Star::Root

    Anyway, I tried removing some mods to see if that was a source of conflict, and somehow the entire planet system I was in got wiped out... Had to go to an old player/universe backup in order to get back some stuff, but the planet is gone. So I can't really troubleshoot this anymore.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2015
  15. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. There's no apparent errors in the log, so I really have no idea what was causing the bug. If you ever do encounter it again, it might be easier for you to just send me your player and universe files, so that I can reproduce the bug and fix it.
  16. rmcrowley2000

    rmcrowley2000 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sure thing. Though I'd rather not encounter the bug again -- the force gate controllers are a really nice feature to have.
  17. 1nfinitezer0

    1nfinitezer0 Cosmic Narwhal

    Too many unessecarily huge GIFs on the main page of this mod. It was a pain to get it to load.
  18. thakyZ

    thakyZ Cosmic Narwhal

    @PenguinToast May I use your mod in my mod pack? I will give you full credit to your mod in a readme file and on the mod topic...
  19. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Sure, go ahead. Thanks for asking!
  20. thakyZ

    thakyZ Cosmic Narwhal

    No problem :D

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