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Outdated Force Gates 2.1.1 [Spirited Giraffe]

Tired of meteors destroying your painstakingly crafted house? Deflect them onto your friend's house!

  1. VasVadum

    VasVadum Cosmic Narwhal

    So, just to clarify, you ignore anyone who complains about the balancing or other issues of this mod that are mostly cosmetic or balance related, but fix issues. Does that mean you don't intend to ever add an actual crafting requirement to this mod? Just leaving it one pixel. Great. Well I'm out then. I'm not gonna fix your mod every time you update it just to have it on my server. I notice you ignored other people who also mentioned that it was badly balanced which leads me to believe you really don't intend to do anything about it. :/
  2. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Hey, sorry about that. I'll include your recipes and descriptions in the next update, but i'd rather wait until I have something more than just balance to update.
  3. VasVadum

    VasVadum Cosmic Narwhal

    It would have been nicer if you had replied long ago when I first mentioned the balancing and such. I came up with the balancing a fairly long while back, a few updates before this but you missed it each time, which made me feel like you were ignoring it. :/
  4. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    PenguinToast updated Force Gates with a new update entry:

    Update 1.3 - New art and recipes!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you, I respect and am grateful that you are listening to community suggestions and continuing to improve this mod! Love it!
  6. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This mod is one of those truly amazing mods that absolutely need to be brought back for the new stable Upbeat giraffe build release. So much fun to be had here with this wonderful mod, thanks to its brilliant author.
  7. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Don't worry, I'm still around :)
    I've gotten halfway through rewriting this mod to take advantage of some of the fancy new modding features, and possibly foregoing wiring and instead using the ScriptCanvas to skip the tedium of wiring the gates, and also adding more options for configuring the gates. I don't have an exact timeframe for how long this'll take me to finish, but an update (and probably several bugfixes quickly following >.<) should come within a month.
    StarScribe likes this.
  8. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    This is good news, I had just tried porting this but it only crashed my game. The old LUA doesn't work anymore lol, good to know you're working on an update. I look forward to filling my structures with grav lifts again! :D
  9. _Q_

    _Q_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Will this be updated anytime soon?
  10. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    to bad that there is notmore any real reason for this cool gimmic
    Because now your home is in (I guess 75%) a lush planet.
  11. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    Are you kidding me? No real reason? I can think of plenty. Grav Lifts, Space Elevators, Defenses against meteors on Moon biomes, Speed Tunnels, etc. I'd love to have this mod in Upbeat Giraffe, in fact, I've already been building my buildings with the assumption that I'll get to put force gates in them.
  12. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    DarthTrethon and Markelius like this.
  13. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    Brilliant! I was waiting for this. :)

    EDIT: Okay, I'm perplexed. Your update description says "a fancy new way of controlling Force Gate Nodes", but I can't figure out how. In the old version, I'd always wire them directly to buttons, or other things, but now the nodes can't be wired, so how do you control them?

    EDIT 2: Ah, I figured it out. You have to use the force gate config tool and manually set configs for gates using the force gate controller. A bit unconventional, it adds an extra step to the process, and now force gate wired setups require more space.

    It'd be nice to have the old behaviour back, at least as a separate type of force gate node. Would make wiring them up for simple systems a lot easier.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
  14. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    DarthTrethon likes this.
  15. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmn... love making elevators with these force gates. :D

    I was wondering, would it be possible at some point to make a feature allowing to connect these gates using any angle, like a wire or something like that. Horizontal and vertical placements all well and good but taking it that step further would be awesome!
  16. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    I would love to make something like that, but unfortunately, it is not possible in Starbound right now without causing massive lag.
  17. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    Any chance of this? The new config setup is nice for more advanced setups but it's very impractical for simple things.
  18. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, that's definitely a concern I had for the new setup. How much of the old behavior do you think would be nice to have back? I'm currently leaning towards just having wires toggle the nodes on and off, since it required a fair amount of wiring for the old controllers to change simple things.
  19. Markelius

    Markelius Space Kumquat

    Yeah, I think that's how it was in your old version, and it was really nice for having simple grav lifts and stuff. I can think of some uses for the new config setup, like directional nodes and such, but I'd still love to have the old functionality back in some way.
  20. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    DarthTrethon likes this.

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