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Outdated Force Gates 2.1.1 [Spirited Giraffe]

Tired of meteors destroying your painstakingly crafted house? Deflect them onto your friend's house!

  1. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Here, I uploaded a patch for the latest version to decrease the range back down to 10 blocks:
    Just install the latest version, and overwrite it with this.
  2. mizukaru

    mizukaru Phantasmal Quasar

    Left a Review, and I just wanted to show you the project I was working on with your Force Gate Mod:

    Space elevator:

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/R6nZTm2xPs4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  3. VasVadum

    VasVadum Cosmic Narwhal

    Aside from the retarded description in the Force Gate Node which I will manually change in my game files and on my server, this looks like a pretty good mod. Will have to try it out here shortly. After I edit out the retarded description at least. :p
  4. mizukaru

    mizukaru Phantasmal Quasar

    well, unfortunately, all my mods decided to disappear. I haven't figured out the reason, I assumed it was a conflict with another mod, but when i restored everything back to the way it was before they poofed, they were still gone and un-able to be recreated...

    This is unfortunate. However, this allows me to request maybe making a new version with maybe a stronger push factor to them? or a real challenge, an elevator mod.
  5. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

  6. VasVadum

    VasVadum Cosmic Narwhal

    You forgot a line in all of the .object files. Line 10:
    "printable" : false,

      "objectName" : "ptforcegate",
      "rarity" : "Rare",
      "objectType" : "wire",
      "description" : "Creates a shield wall that forces you in the direction you have set.",
      "shortdescription" : "Force Gate Node",
      "race" : "generic",
      "category" : "wire",
      "printable" : false,
    Makes it work much much better! Yep. Actually it just removes it from the 3D Printer. I'm having to manually add this line to all your files. :p
  7. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

  8. lordDamien

    lordDamien Void-Bound Voyager

    It's just me or your character looks like a leprechaun..
  9. VasVadum

    VasVadum Cosmic Narwhal

    Curious, how come your objects all cost only a single pixel? I had a balanced set before, but I forgot the recipe files when I updated your mod. xD I'll get them again and tell you what I had it set at, if you want to set an actual price up for your items.

    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/30270697/Starbound/ptforcegate.zip - includes only .recipe files

    Recipes are as follows;
    Wire Relay : 1 Circuit Board, 2 Laser Diodes
    Compact Force Gate Switch : 300 pixels, 3 Circuit Boards, 4 Laser Diodes
    Force Gate Switch : 4 Circuit Boards, 4 Laser Diodes
    Force Gate Node : 2 Circuit Boards, 6 Laser Diodes

    I also gave the Force Gate Node a less dumb description. :p "A reflective shield that propels objects in a specific set direction." Not included in the zip file above.
  10. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    hmm did you decrease the power?
    I used the forefields as kind of fal catcher in my mineshaft but they do now notmore break so good like before the last patch.
  11. DeathProxy

    DeathProxy Orbital Explorer

    Any idea why my server console is spamming this message when using this mod? It spams this very rapidly.

    Error: Exception while invoking lua method 'main'. LuaException: [string "/ptforcegate/forcegate/ptforcegate.lua"]:210: VariantException: Variant not a list of size 2 in variantToVec2F
      0074B331 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarVariant.hpp:13)
      006D9717 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarLuaBindings.cpp:134)
      00777F2F (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarLua.cpp:1109)
      0077CF23 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarLua.cpp:1043)
      6D785C8F lua52.dll
      362E0CF8 0
      38CB3050 0
      49445888 0
      362E0CF8 0
      00777C3B (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarLua.hpp:12)
      0077D411 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarLua.cpp:1082)
      0077D5EA (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarLua.cpp:1021)
      0077D684 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarLua.cpp:770)
      00686B07 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarAny.hpp:465)
      00434F53 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarWorldServer.cpp:442)
      0045D10C (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarThread.hpp:216)
      0045D7F8 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarWorldServerThread.cpp:133)
      0088D27C (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarThread_windows.cpp:74)
      75BF33CA kernel32.dll
      77BF9ED2 ntdll.dll
      77BF9EA5 ntdll.dll
  12. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

  13. StarScribe

    StarScribe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Once again, great mod... balancing awful. 1pixel, really?
  14. Ashua

    Ashua Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi there. Just noticed that the mod currently creates a conflict with the new Skyrails. Everything seems to work fine with the ForceGates but you cannot attach to skyrails at all. I'm reporting this bug with all members on my server having the same problem. Hope you can find a solution as we're all very fond of this mod.
  15. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Sorry about that, I accidentally included some skyrail modifications with the last version of force gates. Just tell everyone on your server to reinstall force gates (delete the force gates mod folder, extract from .zip again) and the skyrails should work again.
  16. VasVadum

    VasVadum Cosmic Narwhal

    Seriously, I don't like having to edit your mod every time it updates to use it on my server without it having bad English in it. The doge meme is just stupidly retarded.

    "description" : "Wow, such gate, very speed.",

    Just wow. That's the most terrible description ever. How is anyone supposed to know what this object does till they place it and place another one near it? People who download this in a mod pack won't know anything about the mod other than they have a few new items in their wire table.

    "description" : "A reflective shield that propels objects in a specific set direction.",

    Is what I've been changing this to each time I update. Though now that I think about it, I have a better description.

    "description" : "A reflective shield that adds inertia to objects that pass through it towards a specifically set direction.",

    Please. I can't take your mod seriously when you sound use the doge meme, it makes it sound like your mod is a complete joke "Like haha, I just made this for no reason whatsoever". Consider changing this please. I've given you two good examples of a better description. The last one actually works better because it merely reduces your inertia if you are moving to fast when you go through it so the first one would be more inaccurate.

    Then again, your recipes aren't even proper either. Maybe you did just make this as a joke and don't intend to balance it or anything. Who knows. I know that if I have to fix the recipe files and the description one more time, I'm removing the mod from my server and telling anyone who plays my server "tough luck". Really, it is just a minor mod in the server anyway so it wouldn't effect anything whatsoever if it was removed. I have been setting it up on the official server system for a while so I need to know if I'm going to be updating this mod again or just removing it. I don't want to open up the server to the public then tell everyone "oop, sorry, we need to delete a mod now, everyone delete folder ____!" I did want to make a space elevator, but I can do that with another mod if I have to.

    The doge meme and free stuff (1 pixel cost = free stuff) is the only thing I don't like about this mod. Otherwise, it's a great mod, and I have given examples of a good recipe before.
  17. Licflagg

    Licflagg Phantasmal Quasar

    i love this mod because of the ways to use this mod. i used it on furious koala with electric home defense's arrow shooter and build a good mob farm (for birds, of course)
  18. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    I wonder if it would be possie to make this effect be wearable too.
    I mean, that you wear a prim (like these little Pet prims in the Starbound crew Mod) that makes a field like this in sphere shape that does the same.
  19. Xentor Antarix

    Xentor Antarix Ketchup Robot

    Perhaps you should cowork with the StarFoundry Mod, (due it becomes more and more the largest "Electrical and Mechanics" Systems Mod for Starbound, with tons of very cool stuff.
    Your forcegates would fit in there super.
    I guess SF will get in stockgame earlier or later.
  20. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    I'm already on the Starfoundry team, but the main reason I'm holding off on adding it to Starfoundry is that I want to have a more easily extensible and flexible system once I am able to :)

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