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Outdated Force Gates 2.1.1 [Spirited Giraffe]

Tired of meteors destroying your painstakingly crafted house? Deflect them onto your friend's house!

  1. Asatrix

    Asatrix Guest

    I have tried multiple times to use this to protect my base from meteors however the first time a mega-meteor hit and destroyed nodes making the smaller meteors more dangerous. The second time I had a double layer of nodes and they still broke through. I am not very content with these results. One of three instances was in an asteroid field. Gah I just need a mod to disable meteor storms T.T.
  2. CommanderWasp1x

    CommanderWasp1x Big Damn Hero

    That switch you have on your previews isn't in the actual game, could you at it to the mod and for Asatrix maybe you could add like a small extenter rod so the node is under the field barrier and protected? :)
  3. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    The switch is from the mod Starfoundry, which also adds lots of other cool stuff ;)
    CommanderWasp1x likes this.
  4. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    CommanderWasp1x likes this.
  5. Asatrix

    Asatrix Guest

    Ticking me off man. I've had meteors spawn INSIDE a quadruple gated shield.

    Attached Files:

  6. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    The main purpose of the mod was never to block meteors - that was just one possible use of it. The mod in no way affects how meteor showers work, the meteors would have spawned inside the area regardless of the mod.
  7. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

  8. CommanderWasp1x

    CommanderWasp1x Big Damn Hero

    The meteors spawn inside the field because you don't have a background wall, place a background wall from 2 blocks away from the field inwards and technically you shouldn't have anymore problems, its like Terraria if you have anywhere without a back wall you will have enemies and objects spawn inside.
  9. Vash the snake

    Vash the snake Orbital Explorer

    from what I can see, If you polished the edges of this mod, and changed the recipe from "1 pixel" to something a bit more balanced like "2 optic diode+ 5 glass + 10 pixels" it might as well be in the vanilla game...
  10. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd really appreciate a version that is not nearly so limited in length. It forces me to use a lot of nodes, which causes some significant lag on my end.

    Edit: Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    I just spent like 30 in-game days of pure construction building a fancy Hylotl-style super-large building, half of which was going to house that Sacred Tree mod, only to discover that the planet gets meteors (On my starting planet).

    I really frigging wish the game's Navigation would tell you whether or not your planet gets meteors .-.

    The nodes really helped (After setting them up after the fact, eventually there was another meteor shower).
    They only worked though, when I was in view of them. Otherwise the jerks spawned inside of the barrier ;w; A meteor problem of course. I'll try to wall everything within with Glass background to hopefully avoid the spawns. Hopefully.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  11. FoggyPaws

    FoggyPaws Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay cool. 10 is a decent size, not the largest, but workable. Thanks!
  12. Zakail

    Zakail Phantasmal Quasar

    Is there some sort of arbitrary spawn protection with these? I've got a fast travel tower set up at the beam-in point on my server's homeworld, and have been trying to extend it upward with an elevator made of these to an asteroid above. These nodes however flat out REFUSE to connect when placed where the line between them would go across the spawn point, no matter what distance apart. It is INCREDIBLY frustrating as it will keep me from keeping the design we've used across our whole homeworld consistent. :<
  13. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    No, that's a bug. Thanks for bringing my attention to it, I'll fix it as soon as I can get on my computer again.
  14. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

  15. Ben

    Ben Title Not Found

    You should create a node that blocks line of sight from other nodes, and doesn't connect with them or do anything else other than block line of sight (like a block would, except you can walk right through it.) This would help with elevators, since then you could just create a lot of horizontal "up" planes without the hassle of managing the vertical planes.

    Would also be interesting if there was a way to use wire to change the direction of a node, perhaps via a second input dedicated to changing the direction? That way up/down elevators could be easy \o/
  16. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

    Thanks for the suggestions! For now, you can just put a node between 2 others and turn it off for it to act like a LoS blocker. The issue with adding another wire node is that if you placed gate nodes directly adjacent to each other, some nodes would overlap, making it impossible to connect them.
  17. Ben

    Ben Title Not Found

    Ahh you're right about the wires. I really hate that about the wire system right now, not sure what would be a better way of doing it though (in terms of the wire system, not in terms of the direction-changing.)

    Maybe you could add a wiring object that has one output and two inputs, and is 2x2 tiles wide. That way it can be placed wherever, and have 4 wire nodes without any overlapping issues. The wiring object would be to control the nodes via wiring, you can use its multiple inputs to control on/off and direction, and the output connects to a force node, and passes on the direction information to the node its connected to.

    With this object, a signal going into the "direction" input node, would be one direction, and the absence of that signal would be the other.

    Sorry for the jumbled explanation I haven't slept well xD

    On a side not, is it common for many force gates activated at once to cause persistent fps lag on a fairly good machine?
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
  18. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

  19. mizukaru

    mizukaru Phantasmal Quasar

    I went back to version 1.05 because I didn't like the range increase, it fucked up a lot of my creations
  20. PenguinToast

    PenguinToast Big Damn Hero

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