Petalwatch submitted a new mod: Floran tails, because why not! - Flowery tail for the floran! Read more about this mod...
It gives all florans tails not just the player. Can you change it so it gives only the player a tail, and can you make it not just clientsided but also viewable by other palyers
Could you make avian versions of this? Hyotal? Basically any species that actually makes sense to have a tail?
I don't think it's possible for me to make it only affect the player. There's only one floran sprite to alter and npcs are generated from the player sprite afaik. If someone can prove me wrong I'd be happy to change things! As far as multiplayer... I'm not really sure what to do about that. I don't play multiplayer. I believe everyone involved and/or the server itself needs the mod installed for that to work?[DOUBLEPOST=1437112135][/DOUBLEPOST] ? Unless you mean a tail more like the floran one?
My Floran thaksss you... tail flower looksss pretty.... ok, now I feel like biting on non salad people
Petalwatch updated Floran tails, because why not? with a new update entry: Still the same Read the rest of this update entry...
I think you need to ask the forum manager to move your mod out of the outdated category, not sure if moderators can handle such a request
I've liked your mod ever since I found it, the florans look much more exotic with it and it overall feels like it fits just perfectly. Unfortunately, I can't use Detailed Species with this, because both mods replace the body sprite. Do you mind if I do some spritework to merge them so I can use both?
Thanks! Here's a preview if you're interested on the result. (It also uses Amethystium's hair pack)
They move when you walk and such, I added seperate animations for running, swimming, falling, etc. They do clip mighty bad when your floran is sleeping and apply to npc floran (and the mushroom people apparently?) but that's the only major issues I know about so far.
Applying to NPCs is perfectly fine and understandable. Not sure how to fix the sleeping clipping, I'll have to look at the other tailed races/race mods. Thanks for the amazingly quick response!
I've barely noticed any clipping myself, so it's a minor issue to me. And about the physics, it's actually what I like the most of this mod, the tail wiggles when running!
If there is any fix, do let me know and I'll see if I can fix up the mod. I'm glad the wiggling is appreciated, I thought it would be boring without it!
Alright, I believe I've found the solution to the clipping problem for sleeping. Looking at the races for current and past that have tails that actually move (*gives a sidelong glance at static orcana tails*) I've found they do one of three things. Either they are short enough that they are hidden inside the ground or not very obtrusive when sleeping, the clipping is just ignored and dealt with, or the sleep body position has the tail adjusted. This is a few of the base body sprite for a certain catty mod here. Notice that the first sprite is the body used for both sleeping, and the most boring of the "personality" body choices when making a character. They folded the tail around so it's still there if standing, but not a clipping issue when sleeping.