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Floran reproduction. It's official.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Breather, Jul 1, 2013.

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  1. Pyrii

    Pyrii Existential Complex

    Because plants... with breasts...
  2. ZebraJ

    ZebraJ Title Not Found

    oh jeez. Wait, do florans have a sunflower type head/hairstyle?
  3. Arcstone

    Arcstone Void-Bound Voyager

    Would pollinate.
    Core, Loksoral, Samiz and 2 others like this.
  4. tarot

    tarot Void-Bound Voyager

    I think the explanation was that people would find it weird that there was only one gender and complain
  5. Arcstone

    Arcstone Void-Bound Voyager

    And then they could ignore those complaints, and have it be explained in the intro.
    Breather likes this.
  6. Cosmin Negoita

    Cosmin Negoita Phantasmal Quasar

    Sorry to say that but it's kinda silly. It's like lesbians having a nice time...
    Shiokuri likes this.
  7. Pyrii

    Pyrii Existential Complex

    And just WHAT is wrong with lesbians having a nice time? Hmmm? :mad:
    Dano likes this.
  8. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    Wow. We are not getting into a gay's rights debate. I'm just stopping it now.
  9. Miyuki

    Miyuki Sandwich Man

    You mean human rights, right? RIGHT?
    Crye and bobalobabingbong like this.
  10. Riskay

    Riskay Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You say that as if you don't think lesbian action is nice
    F-ranko likes this.
  11. Cosmin Negoita

    Cosmin Negoita Phantasmal Quasar

    Ok you got me.
  12. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well see the thing is flowers, and plants, have a certain specific cycle of reproduction during which the plant "turns from a guy into a girl" and back. That's how flowers get pollinated. Plants first show their "guy parts" between the petals, and then their "lady parts" under them. So if Florans are reallly based off of plants, then they would share a similar reproduction cycle.

    In other words, players who choose to be florans would not have to worry about gender issues ever again.
    Dano likes this.
  13. Zet0r

    Zet0r Twenty-three is number one

    I'd rather say they should mate by intertwining small vines, similar to Avatar with their hair-thingy. Except these vines would sit between the legs or in their flowers on their heads or something. These vines would have nothing to do with impregnation, but release hormones that cause self-impregnation or something. I dunno, the but rubbing just seems stupid and unserious (though hilarious).
  14. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    :lod: No, solo no.
  15. Oil_Rope_Bombs

    Oil_Rope_Bombs Tentacle Wrangler

    I'm okay with this.
  16. OMGJJ

    OMGJJ Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just lost a few million brain cells.
    Sir Orange likes this.
  17. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    What did i just read...
  18. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    I'm disappointed by this.
    I was hoping Starbound would be a clean game, but from this it almost seems that sex will be a part of the game. No way would I let my children play a game with sex in it.

    And yes, this is sex. Lesbian porn is still porn, even if both are female and they don't actually engage in the act of putting one thing into another (depends on the situation), it is always considered porn. So why should it be any different for Florans rubbing eachother? They are sexually stimulating themselves, and therefore it is porn.
    The Furreonist likes this.
  19. Miyuki

    Miyuki Sandwich Man

    Context is everything, have you ever noticed how many movies FOR children, not just aimed at such an audience have hidden undertones and innuendo in them that goes well past the scope of full comprehension of the acts or words portrayed therein for any innocent child or a naive person in general. I very much doubt this would become canon in such a way that it would be explicitly or even implicitly stated anywhere in game that this is indeed an act of reproduction by this race, when such examples of butt-rubbing can be seen in dance parties and even social games portrayed in a way that a child would see as an act of hugging or "simply a fun game."

    When it comes to protecting your children from any kind of sexual undertones or innuendo anywhere, they're still human and hopefully hardly foolish enough to not eventually figure this out, as it is a part of the human experience and that of becoming a balanced adult. Repression of any kind of natural things like these is, well... irresponsible to say the least if you ask me, beyond a certain age. It takes a conscientious effort to turn something innocent with an undertone into something overtly sexual and by hiding these things from children in an obvious way would likely make them even more curious.

    Before you condemn the game, or supposed lore therein as humorous as this may be, you must first look at yourself and how you present the world to your children through whatever media they're allowed or disallowed from perusing. Now I don't know the age or maturity of your children, but that's up to you to figure out, not the game makers when this game doesn't even have an age rating yet...
    MelOzone, DotBeta, Core and 2 others like this.
  20. Delimar

    Delimar Star Wrangler

    I see where you are coming from, believe me, but this, whatever you want to call this, is just a joke. The way Florans reproduce was a question posted to see how it could better fit into the lore. From this question, a few people took it beyond what it was originally meant as. This will never be part of their lore, ever. This thread was basically meant for a quick laugh.

    As far as the real world, have you taken a look at the recent pg 13 movies and shows? The standard for pg 13 has changed drastically since movies like Shrek were released. Granted, Shrek has a LOT of innuendos that kids couldn't understand. I'd be more worried about that stuff than a video game.

    Lastly, notice only one person related this to an act of female sex. Don't judge the game by one stupid comment or forum thread. Judge it by what the Devs put into their game. If you are worried about your kids seeing this stuff, tell them to not get on the forums. The game won't have any of this included.

    Edit: Okay, this is my last comment to sum up my point. Just ignore this thread as far as 'porn' goes. Be more worried about what they on the internet or on tv. Believe it or not, games are safer than movies, TV shows, and the internet, as far as language and anything lewd goes.
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