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Floran reproduction. It's official.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Breather, Jul 1, 2013.

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  1. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    It's the internet, and besides, the Glitch do have porn magazines. It's referenced in one of the Deckard Codices about him observing a magazine with pictures of a female Glitch without a shell covering.
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  2. Sir Orange

    Sir Orange Ketchup Robot

    ...I play as Glitch on starbound, I find this interesting. I'm guessing the shell covering serves as a bra for female glitch ?
  3. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    That or simply as clothing in general, even though they wear clothes on top of their bodies. Probably due to the glitch that makes all non-self-aware Glitch stuck in the dark ages in terms of technology and most of society.

    edit: Here's the specific entry: http://starbounder.org/Transcript_0293
  4. Sir Orange

    Sir Orange Ketchup Robot

    Interesting... Yet vague.
  5. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Mhhhh that sprite looks hot interesting.
    Even Floran mating is sorta sexy interesting and kinky valueable for culture, a really penetrating immage good example for human creativity. [/Sarcasm]

    Atleast people are finally creative with lore even if its on topics like that.

    Edit: Forgot to add [Sarcasm Tags]
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2014
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  6. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    ...I will never understand the sexual fascination with Florans.

    It's just weird.
  7. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Probably something to do with puns like love blossoming in the morning sun and whatnot. You know, Hallmark Gift Card-quality puns.
  8. MoonBeast

    MoonBeast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The admins really ought to make a adult content subforum to quarantine this kind of stuff
  9. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Please god no, that's like inviting all the nasty fanfic stuff to a writing convention.
    Dread Pirate Roberts likes this.
  10. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    They can take this stuff to their own dark corners of the internet like everyone else with weird socially unacceptable fetishes.
    SleepySquidd likes this.
  11. Starboundcommunity566

    Starboundcommunity566 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Poison ivy from batman had her fans too. And she was poison, except...to Harley Quinn.
  12. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    To be fair, she was still human.
    Florans are literally plants.
  13. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    Every single one of you is taking this waaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.

    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  14. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    I was expecting something involving good ol' Nic Cage. CAAAAAAAAAAGE!
  15. Starboundcommunity566

    Starboundcommunity566 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Did you ever play conker's bad fur day? It has a sunflower that's a little popular. And she is 100% plant.
  16. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    You're mistaking my point.
    Popularity is one thing.
    Sexual attraction to plants is another.

    The sexual attraction part is the part I'm saying should hide away in dark corners of the internet.
  17. Starboundcommunity566

    Starboundcommunity566 Pangalactic Porcupine

    It wasn't the players that gave the plants double spheres. Or the birds Or the fish.
  18. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    Just for you. :DD

    Dread Pirate Roberts and Zuvaii like this.
  19. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    I'm laughing right now, I never thought I'd see anyone try to defend this honestly.

    They're pixel sprites that are plants. I don't care if they have massive spheres or not, it's a dark fetish that should probably be confined to dark corners of the internet. Not to mention said spheres are used as gender differentiation, not sexual objects.
    Like, oh I don't, that other "frowned upon" fetish. I think it's called yiff.
  20. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Yay! Good ol' Nick Cage! I heard he read the script and realized how awful it was and decided to just have fun with it and thank goodness he did. Otherwise we wouldn't have a scene of him in a bear costume sucker-punching a crazy cultist lady.
    Dread Pirate Roberts likes this.
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