Hi community! Again! I've been working on a mod that creates flamethrowers that shoots different elements (instead of fire, there are poison gas, icey gas etc...) and I've gotten this error in the starbound.log that makes the custom flamethrowers have no animations (just static sprite) and nothing comes out, even with the .projectile, .activeitem, .lua files checked many times for errors cross-referenced to the .log Thank you for any participation!
Please post the patch itself. And indeed there is no "items" path in /player.config. But to see what you're actually doing here, I'd need to see your patch.
pretty sure this is your problem Code: "elementalType" : "frost", "primaryAbilityType" : "ice", "primaryAbility" : { "baseDps" : 10, "energyUsage" : 30 }, there is already an ice elemental type, so use that instead of frost, which doesn't exists in the game. I see where you tried to add it in the damage folder, but even then you called it icethrower, not frost. On top of that, if you add new damages, you have to patch the elementaltypes.config to add them to the game. That should help you figure out how to fix it. I assume you copy/pasted the flamethrower and just changed things, which is a great way to learn, changing this and that, seeing what works and what doesn't. Just check the vanilla files to see if what you are wanting already exist , trace all files related to what you copied. Like, if you look at flamethrower you see the "primaryAbilityType" : "flamethrower" Well whats that? You gotta go into your \items\active\weapons\ranged\abilities\flamethrower Here you see what the flamethtrower ability does. you probably need a new one of those to make it work too.
Funnily enough, I suddenly realized my mistake when I was in bed... Great way to think! Thanks though! I'll test it now...