Fishing bait worth it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dainank2, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Dainank2

    Dainank2 Phantasmal Quasar

    Is fishing bait actually worth it when putting it on a rod. I am quite new to this game, so am a bit unsure ):
    • Caudyr

      Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

      Absolutely. It increases the bite rate considerably when I use it on my Iridium Rod (i never bother with the fiberglass one and go from the initial one straight to the best one, heh).

      I also use the treasure hunter tackle on it when it's unlocked from WIlly, but that's another matter. ^^
      • Dainank2

        Dainank2 Phantasmal Quasar

        Ok! Thank You!
        • ChaosAzeroth

          ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

          I use bait and the spinner ((I think is the spinner it slows them)), and I find that makes fishing more enjoyable for myself. ((Though different people enjoy different things.))
          But I'm not sure that anyone like waiting the full time in between bites.X3
          • zoeevee

            zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

            Might I recommend the trap bobber if you haven't tried it? It is really cheap to make (sap and copper bar which I am lousy with) and it makes the side bar take longer to go down which makes even the hardest fish easier to catch.

            And in the regard of bait I say heck yes it's worth it. In the early levels of the mines you get bug meat like crazy and it makes a lot of bait. It makes the fish bite faster which means more bang for your buck
            • kaneroo

              kaneroo Subatomic Cosmonaut

              It's really worth it and you can make them yourself. Also the dressed spinner increases a lot the biting rate too.
              • Dodging Rain

                Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

                The normal bait only cost 5g. That's a steal to hasten the fishing process. Not sure about the one Linus teaches you though.
                • zoeevee

                  zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                  I never even considered buying it since it's so easy to make a bunch.
                  • Dodging Rain

                    Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

                    I ran out of bug meat here since I run a crab pot farm at my ponds.
                    • Lanx12

                      Lanx12 Ketchup Robot

                      Yeah I'd say that 5G on bait i lose I make up in profit with the fish and stuff I catch in the crabpot. Its well worth it and worth even more when you collect bug meat
                      • kaneroo

                        kaneroo Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        The less money you can get from selling a fish is 30g so if you buy 5 pieces of bait and catch 5 fish worth 30g each you get profit from almost 4 and pay the baits with 1 fish + 5g from one of the 4. But my math may be wrong, I'm not the numbers type.
                        • Caudyr

                          Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                          I honestly wish the "worm bin" just gave us bug meat instead of bait. That way we could use it for getting bug meat, and thus make wild bait instead. :3

                          ...wonder how hard it would be to change the output so that that's what it gives instead (I mean, it's a WORM bin after all...and worms are bugs, no?!)... :D

                          Then I might have a reason to actually MAKE the "worm bins", heh...I don't even bother with the kiln either cause the conversion ratio is way too unforgiving for that...
                          • Dodging Rain

                            Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

                            You might be over-complicating it. 30g (fish) - 5g (bait) = 25g.
                            • kaneroo

                              kaneroo Subatomic Cosmonaut

                              I never got around making worm bins, what they do actually?
                              • kaneroo

                                kaneroo Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                I might have gotten something wrong but I was counting as 5 pieces of bait (25g), anyway, I'm bad at math :DD
                                • zoeevee

                                  zoeevee Zero Gravity Genie

                                  True but that's assuming that for every piece of bait you use you get 1 fish. That's not necessarily the case as you get trash as well (unless you are using crabpots and have the no trash perk)
                                  • Dodging Rain

                                    Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

                                    You'd kind of have to know the ratio of catch:trash ratio to accurately gauge that. Let's say that you get trash 50% of the time, that would double the cost of bait theoretically which catching trash 75% of the time will quadruple it. The other perk simply removes the cost of baits altogether.
                                    • Caudyr

                                      Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                                      Trash and seaweed/algae rates appear to depend on the luck of the day, as well...though I definitely see less of it while fishing once my skill gets above 5...and the chances of NOT getting it go up as my skill approaches level 10.

                                      Unless it's a bad luck day, at level 10 I only see trash maybe 10% of the time I'd say, if that. That's just a guesstimate on the number, though. ^^

                                      Either way, the worm bins giving free bait isn't bad, especially for the crab pots. Still gonna take a look in a little while to see if I can easily change it to output bug meat instead of just bait, though! :3
                                      • Xylia

                                        Xylia Tiy's Beard

                                        A worm bin gives you free bait every day. From my experiences it is between 3-6 bait per day. A couple bins gives you 6-12 bait per day and if you don't go fishing every single day, it does add up over time.

                                        If you stack 3-4 of these, you should be getting more bait than you could use in a day unless you do crab pots. The only bad thing about making these is the hardwood, but if you have access to the deepwoods, 25 hardwood is not hard to get whatsoever.

                                        EDIT: You get one for free, but I don't remember how I got it. Museum? Bundle? I forget.
                                          kaneroo likes this.
                                        • Dodging Rain

                                          Dodging Rain Phantasmal Quasar

                                          You don't get a free worm bin, I do not think. I had to go a bit out of my way to make some at the beach (unless an unknown NPC trashed most of it...)

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